Monday, August 24, 2020
Mission vision Essay
Presentation This task is set up to discover the mission, vision and worth articulations of certain associations from various businesses. In this task I will likewise attempt to see if these organizations put underline on quality in their vision and statement of purpose. This report investigated the mission, vision and worth proclamations of McDonald’s, Bank of America, Rangs Group, BRAC University and IBA, University of Dhaka. Statement of purpose A statement of purpose characterizes the organization’s reason and essential target. Its capacity is inward; to characterize the key measure or proportions of the organization’s achievement and its prime crowd is the administration group and investors. Vision explanation A dream statement’s design is to clarify the organization’s key qualities and doesn't allude to primary concern figures. It tells how a specific organization accepts things ought to be finished. Furthermore, it additionally provides guidance to clients and workers. A dream articulation additionally tells where the association is going and how it will finish its tasks Value proclamation Worth proclamation is an outflow of a company’s or individual’s center convictions. Organizations compose the announcement to distinguish and associate with the purchaser. Moreover, the announcement takes into account the company’s staff to know about the needs and objectives of the organization. Strategic vision articulation of various associations McDonald’s Statement of purpose â€Å"McDonald’s brand strategic to be our customer’s most loved spot and approach to eat. Our overall tasks are adjusted around a worldwide system called The Plan to win which fixates on an outstanding client experience-People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. We are focused on constantly improving our tasks and upgrading our customers’ experience†Value Statement We place the client involvement with the center of everything we do We are focused on our kin We trust in the McDonald’s System We work our business morally We offer back to our networks We develop our business beneficially We endeavor persistently to improve Remarks McDonald’s doesn’t have a particular composed vision proclamation. McDonald’s esteem proclamation explicitly makes reference to the associations promise to quality help. McDonalds considers quality as key to guaranteeing positive purchaser experience. McDonalds thinks about quality, responsibility to its staff providers and investors, moral strategic policies and CSR as essential to keeping up its spot as the business chief. IBA, University of Dhaka Vision Statement â€Å"We endeavor to be noticeable among the regarded business colleges on the planet, as we tenaciously seek after the objective of changing the person into a mindful expert, who can make society only a little better†Comments IBA doesn't have a particular crucial worth explanations. The vision explanation of IBA doesn't make any make reference to of value. In any case, the objectives expressed in the announcement require a solid accentuation on quality so as to accomplish them. North South University Vision articulation The vision of North South University (NSU) is to turn into a main college and stay as a top focus of greatness in advanced education and research. It targets drawing in splendid understudies, instructors, researchers, and from everywhere throughout the world. Statement of purpose The strategic NSU is to deliver profoundly gifted labor, visionary expert pioneers and mindful and illuminated residents. This crucial accomplished by bestowing excellent advanced education, and preparing, and by directing valuable research with the goal that people can accomplish their learned person, social, and individual possibilities. NSU is focused on creating human capital by honing innovative reasoning. Notwithstanding creation and dispersal of information, its strategic advancement of humanism and harmony through advanced education. As a social organization, NSU attempts to instigate changes for improvement of the general public in general through open administrations, and through advancement of moral conduct and social equity. Remarks NSU accentuated on quality in their statement of purpose. They have expressed a few long haul focuses for their association in their vision explanation and they have wanted to accomplish those by granting greater advanced education. Bank of America Statement of purpose â€Å"Bank of America is tied in with giving individuals, organizations and institutional speculators the budgetary items and administrations they have to help accomplish their objectives at each phase of their money related lives. Our profound experience, wide scope of administrations and worldwide abilities permit us to convey far reaching arrangements that help clients and customers prevail in today’s advertise and get ready for the future.†Vision Statement â€Å"Our vision is to turn into the world’s best monetary administrations company.†Value Statement/Core Values We convey for our clients, customers and investors. We trust in our group. We grasp the intensity of our kin. We act dependably. We advance chance. Remarks Bank of America underscored a ton about quality in their worth explanation. Bank of America’s fundamental belief proclamation makes an affirmation of value in the structure of consistency to every one of its constituents. Since, quality is viewed as a guiding principle by the Bank of America; Rangs Group Crucial Vision Statement â€Å"Provide the number of inhabitants in Bangladesh with present day innovation by offering quality items and legitimate after-deals administration through multi dissemination channels to make their lives simpler, progressively agreeable and convenient.The goal of our central goal is by setting up an amiable working spot with content representatives and by offering quality items at sensible costs we need to make a bond with each client so as to expand benefit through immaculate competition.†Comments Rangs bunch doesn't have a proper worth explanation. Rangs bunch puts high accentuation on giving quality items and after deals administration to its buyers. The gathering crucial vision explanations are expressed together. Other than they have underscored on the modernization of innovation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Combating Compassion Fatigue Essay
The nursing calling is a mind boggling field that can challenge you intellectually, genuinely, inwardly, and profoundly. Individuals who go into the field of nursing have day by day connects with patients’ and families needing clinical assistance and direction. Medical caretakers face various difficulties every day and must have the option to deal with their patients’ issues, however stay solid and beneficial to maintain a strategic distance from sympathy exhaustion and burnout. Empathy weakness is characterized as enthusiastic, otherworldly, and physical fatigue coming about because of â€Å"witnessing and engrossing the issues and enduring of others†(Wisniewski, 2013). Sympathy weakness can prompt burnout with one’s expert profession and influence home life. Guardians can likewise be influenced by sympathy weakness and burnout from the jobs that they play with their friends and family. It is essential to have the option to recognize the notice indicatio ns of sympathy weakness and burnout. This is a fight that can be â€Å"fought with a pledge to individual wellbeing and well-being†(Chapman, 2007). Medicinal services experts and guardians should have the option to discover an adjust and keep up wellbeing in their own otherworldly, physical, mental, and enthusiastic lives to help patient’s to ideal consideration. Systems on stress the board, sound way of life decisions, and assets accessible will be examined to help forestall and deal with these issues. â€Å"Nurses are the foundation of the clinical framework and go about as the main line of patient clinical care†(Chen et al., 2009). Managing and adapting to pressure is imperative for medical attendants to keep up to give sufficient consideration. Sympathy exhaustion is an inclination of sadness and a misfortune in the feeling of importance in one’s life. Side effects can be â€Å"strong sentiments of nervousness, trouble concentrating, being jittery or effectively frightened, touchiness, trouble dozing, over the top enthusiastic desensitizing, and meddling pictures of another’s horrendous material †(Portnoy, 2011). These manifestations should be perceived to get help or they can advance to long haul impacts andâ complications. There are five ideas of sympathy weakness that should be routed to help with avoidance and burnout. The primary idea is subjective; manifestations can be lack of care, bewilderment, inconvenience focus, and brutality. The subsequent idea is passionate; signs can be uneasiness, dread, vulnerability, sentiments of weakness, gloom, having awful dreams, and stun. The third idea is social which can be absence of rest, irritable, change in hunger, pulled back, and over and again having awful dreams. The fourth idea is otherworldly. This region can lead the person to scrutinize their job throughout everyday life and their calling, sentiments of being lost, and addressing confidence and individual convictions. The last idea is physical, which means influencing one’s deliberate sensory system. This can cause fast pulses, inconvenience breathing, migraines, a throbbing painfulness, inconvenience staying or nodding off, and perspiring (Portnoy, 2011). There are various elements that can pave the way to and cause empathy exhaustion. Triggers can be issues with the board, for example, nu rsing sharpness, patient to nurture proportions, exhausted medical caretakers, individual issues, absence of help from collaborators or managers, and loss of the inclination that the attendant is having any kind of effect. To battle these elements in attendants and different representatives in human services, supervisors and associations should know about this dynamic issue and offer assistance (Portnoy, 2011). Making an open situation alongside instruction and preparing on the best way to manage these perplexing issues is the initial step to tending to sympathy exhaustion inside the working environment. Gathering gatherings inside the working environment will offer the medical caretakers an opportunity to share their contemplations and emotions, understanding that they are not the only one. Building bonds with collaborators and sharing patient encounters will assist with empowering positive sound propensities. Self-care is crucial for attendants to keep up to keep life in balance and to satisfactorily take appropriate consideration of our patients. Everyone has pressure, figuring out how to manage it is the way to joy and a solid prosperity. Attendants are continually teaching our patient’s on way of life changes expected to keep up wellbeing, for example, an appropriate eating regimen, work out, and a solid emotionally supportive network. We thus need to try to do we say others should do and keep up our wellbeing to be at our best to enable our patients to accomplish their best. Burnout and empathy weariness are here and there discussed as one, however there are contrasts. Burnout is â€Å"state of enthusiastic, mental, and physical depletion brought about by inordinate and delayed stress†(Preventing Burnout, n.d.). Indications of burnout can be sorrow orâ detachment, feelings are inflexible, loss of expectation and inspiration, and a sentiment of not deserving of living. Burnout can be brought about by ways of life or business related issues. Working in a situation that you have an inclination that you have no control or absence of assets can prompt burnout. Self-care is expected to keep up constructive options to communicate one’s worry to stay away from burnout in one’s individual life. There are physical, enthusiastic, and social indications of burnout. Physical signs are sentiments of being worn out constantly, being wiped out a ton, change in dozing propensities, body throbs, and successive migraines. Passionate signs can be loss of inspiration, sentiments of defenselessness, sentiments of separation, feeling of uncertainty, and an expanded negative standpoint throughout everyday life. Social signs can be confinement from others, shirking of duties, medication or liquor misuse, missing work, and outrage coordinated at others (Preventing Burnout, n.d.). There are a few different ways to help forestall burnout. Figuring out how to oversee pressure and embracing a positive smart dieting, dozing, and practicing propensities are genuine guides to begin with. It is essential to know when you need assistance and that it is accessible. Burnout can prompt empathy weakness inside your expert vocation. Medical caretakers who are worn out, exhausted, and worry after some time without assistance can experience the ill effects of burnout and thusly fall into empathy weakness. Attendants need empathy to help manage patients in their clinical circumstances, on the off chance that the medical attendant is worried and requiring help herself, at that point how might she control the patient? Burnout can be recuperated, tending to the issues and discovering â€Å"your balance by reconsidering needs, setting aside a few minutes for yourself, and looking for support†(Preventing Burnout, n.d.). There is a three â€Å"R†approach when managi ng burnout; perceive, opposite, and strength. Acknowledgment of burnout, inversion of the harm caused from pressure, and building strength to manage the worry by dealing with one’s passionate, mental, physical, and otherworldly wellbeing. Recognizable proof is one stage into tending to sympathy weariness and burnout. One can recuperate from burnout. There are three methodologies that one ought to stay aware of, slow down, get support, and rethink your objectives and needs (Preventing Burnout, n.d.). When managing work burnout there are a couple of choices that you can do to improve the conditions. Getting some much needed rest, requesting another task, talking with the board about issues, and explaining your activity obligations are a couple of proposals to begin with. Guardian burnout can transpire at anyâ given time. The jobs of guardians are similarly significant like that of nursing. Parental figures are liable for the immediate consideration of a friend or family member and can encounter empathy weariness just as burnout. Being associated with an adored one’s consideration can cause physical, mental, enthusiastic, and profound trouble. The strength of the parental figures is significant for the accomplishment of the person who is accepting the consideration. Advancing approaches and intercessions that will assist the guardians with avoiding enthusiastic depletion is the objective. Parental figures need to stay mindful of their needs and convictions and realize when to request help should they need it. Training is the beginning to helping patients, families, and parental figures; discussing empathy weariness and burnout permits individuals to see that they are not the only one and that help is accessible. There are various assets accessible to help those looking for help, for example, The Gift from Within association that spends significant time in helping individuals manage injury and stress. There is additionally a Compassion Fatigue association that targets teaching individuals on how significant self-care is and that it is so fundamental to know the signs and side effects (Portnoy, 2011). Taking everything into account, empathy weakness is simply the misfortune and burnout is the passionate depletion that one can feel. Medical attendants and human services experts are at higher dangers of having these issues come up; anyway guardians can experience the ill effects of these issues simply. The objective to fighting these points is to carry attention to them and to keep teaching individuals on the approaches to deal with them. Some of the time requesting help is difficult, however it is the initial phase the correct way to turning into a solid prosperity who can deal with pressure. Looking for direction from experts will profit the individual in trouble just as their families. To be inwardly, genuinely, intellectually, and profoundly stable one must deal with themselves in all parts of life. One must have humane mindful, empathic limits, mindfulness, otherworldliness and expectation, and self-pardoning to prevail throughout everyday life (Bush, 2009). References Hedge, N. (2009). Sympathy exhaustion: would you say you are in danger? Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(1), 24-28. doi:10.1188/09.ONF.24-28 Chapman, E. (2007). Radical cherishing care: Building the recuperating medical clinic in America. Nashville, TN: Vaughn Printing Chen, C., Lin, C., Wang, S., and Hou, T. (2009). An investigation of occupation stress, stress adapting techniques, and occupation fulfillment for medical caretakers working in center level clinic working rooms. Diary Of Nursing Research (Taiwan Nurses Association), 17(3), 199-211. doi:10.1097/JNR.0b013e3181b2557b Portnoy, D. (2011). Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Watch for the Signs. Diary of the Catholic Health
Friday, July 17, 2020
How To Support A Book Or A Favorite Author For Little Or No Money
How To Support A Book Or A Favorite Author For Little Or No Money I have a new book coming out in October. While I feel I have talked about it nonstop, I still find many people I know or who are familiar with ask me about it and are surprised to learn its happening so soon (the book is called Dont Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start The Conversation about Mental Health and is an anthology that features essays and art about mental health). This is only made more complicated because, as someone who works in a world of books, Im always working months ahead of time when it comes to reading. But what about when a book is coming out in a couple weeks or hit shelves in the last few days, weeks, or months? Ive put together a handy little guide to how t0 support a book or favorite author. This guide is meant as a way to spread the word about a book you love or you want to get more attention, and all of the tips are pretty easy and straightforward. Some will cost you a little bit of money while others are completely free and will cost little more than a few minutes of your time. Whatever your investment, here are a few ways for how to support a book or favorite author. Preorder The Book Youve likely seen authors talk about preordering their book. Preordering is simply placing an order for the book through your favorite retailer before the book is published. Some places guarantee that whatever the lowest price the book comes to between the time of order and publication date is the price you pay, so it doesnt matter if you want to get it a little cheaper. Why does preordering matter? Books that are sold during the first week of a books publication show to a publisher there is interest in the title. Those preorders are counted toward first-week sales, so it can give a huge boost to a title when many orders are placed before the books publication date. If theres interest in a book and its shown clearly from the start, the chances of your favorite author getting another book deal increases. Its also possible that with an increase in preorders through bookstores, more copies of that particular title or that authors titles may be available in store. More in store placement of books means the chances of the book finding a new readership increase. As much as everyone wishes that every book were in bookstoresâ€"independent or chainâ€"its simply not the case. Poke around here to learn a little more about how and why preorders matter. Cost: The price of the book. Request The Book Be Purchased For Your Library Many public libraries have forms either on their website or in person which allow you to recommend books for their collection. If you do a search of the library catalog and notice a new or upcoming title isnt listed, drop a recommendation. To make this process as seamless as possible, when you submit the request, make sure to include why. Note the authors previous books, and include book reviews for the new title if you have them (places like Kirkus Reviews have their reviews online and often, theyre published weeks or months in advance of the book). You might also find it worthwhile to explain that you read the book and loved it and think readers who like a certain genre or similar author might, too. Theres no guarantee the book will be purchased by the library, but it will show interest to the purchasers. This gets the book on their radars to look up. In my own experience working in libraries, so long as someone wasnt abusing the systemâ€"requesting a ton of titles all the time, requesting their own books, etc.â€"I tended to purchase all books requested, since I knew theyd be borrowed by at least one person. Cost: Nothing but a little of your time! Borrow the book from your local library One of the tools that librarians use when making purchasing decisions is the circulation records of previous titles. This is why every James Patterson book is on standing order; his books circulate very well, and thus are automatically purchased when a new book comes out. If you love a book or an author and prefer to borrow, rather than buy, books, take the time to get it from the library. The librarys purchase and your borrowing do make a difference to an author or a book. Although its not always guaranteed, if you are able to put a hold request on a book before its available, that might help libraries make a decision of whether or not to purchase more than a single copy. Books which are showing a lot of activity, like multiple holds on a single copy, suggest that the popularity and interest is there and the library should consider purchasing another copy or two to fulfill the interest. You may think that not buying the book and instead relying on the library doesnt help a book or author. But it does! Libraries make a huge difference for those books and authors. Cost: Nothing but your time (and maybe overdue fines if you, like me, are terrible about due dates). Attend An Authors Event Is your favorite author having an event thats easy for you to get to? Take the time and go. Its not always easy to do, but if the means are there, take advantage. A packed audience for an event is a sign to the bookstore that theres interest in the authorâ€"as well as similar authorsâ€"and thus, they may have the opportunity to return with future books. Its not always necessary to buy the book when you attend an event, though its always nice to purchase something when you attend an event. Buy a cup of coffee in the cafe, a cool pair of socks from their sideline items, or even a book that youve been meaning to buy. This is not necessary, but it is a nice thank you to the store for hosting the event. Of course, if you can buy the authors book, do that. Consider gifting it to a friend or family member if you dont need it because youve already preordered it or because youve borrowed it from the library. Also? Authors love looking at an audience of people there to hear about their work. Your presence is welcome, and know that when you talk with them afterward or ask a question during the QA portion of the talk, theyre so thrilled to hear from you. You are why they have the opportunity to be there, and that doesnt get forgotten. Authors list their events on their websites, as well as across social media. But you can also keep an eye on local bookstores for their upcoming events and attend those that sound even remotely interesting to youâ€"you may discover a new favorite by simply taking the chance. Plus, its fun to get out of the house for an hour or two in the middle of the week if you can. Cost: Whatever you choose to purchase from the event. Leave Reviews on Consumer Websites Have you seen the meme circulating about how, when a book reaches 50 reviews on Amazon, its included in more of their promotional materials? If not, take a peek over to the left. Its hard to determine if thats true or not, but I can say from my own book writing experience that once I hit 50 reviews, I definitely saw my book popping up in more of the You might also like features other similar books. If youve loved a book, one of the most powerful things you can do is drop a review on consumer sites like Amazon, Barnes Noble, Chapters, Target, Walmart, and more. These reviews are super helpful for browsers considering a purchase, and even something as simple and straightforward as This book was excellent, and I would recommend it for people who like books that are (insert genres or styles) or television shows like (name show). If you write one review, you can copy and paste it across a couple of different sites. One of the tips I have from doing this is to spend 10 minutes once a month drafting a few reviews of recent reads and then dropping them all at once. This makes it part of a habit, and its one that doesnt require much time. If youre feeling really motivated, you can drop reviews on places like Goodreads or your librarys catalog, too. Those help people find a book and consider whether to buy or borrow it. Cost: A few minutes of your time. Recommend the book on social media, your favorite blogs, and to friends in person looking for a good book Do you use social media or keep a blog? Writing about the books or authors you love or sharing short reviews and images really does make a difference. It gets the book on radars of other readers, as well as those who might not generally call themselves readers but like you and are therefore intrigued. One of the things thats worth doing is seeing if theres a hashtag related to the book. Many publishers and authors choose a hashtag for the book, and if its not on the book itself, do a quick search to see if theres a hashtag with the books title or the authors name. When you do something on social media with the book, include those tags. Itll help your voice be amplified and allow those who find out about the book from you an opportunity to discover more about the book. Never overlook the power of talking about the book to people you know, too. In the course of a day or week, its likely that if people know youre a reader, youll get asked for a good book. Heres your chance to highlight a recent favorite title or author and spread the word. The same principles that make consumer reviews powerful are those which make your personal recommendation in your own personal spaces powerful. Maybe even more so, since your name and face mean something to the people who care about you, and your seal of approval for something means just that much more to them (Think about it: you might peruse reviews of a place to get your car fixed for hours, but if your best friend says she loves a certain shop, you are more likely to go to that shop than the one which had 100 five-star reviews). If writing reviews on your blog or on social media isnt your jam, think more creatively: share quotes from the book youve loved or simply take a picture and share it. Maybe youd like to connect it to a favorite TV show or song and talk about how and why they remind you of one another. Be as creative as youd likeâ€"every voice matters in getting the word out, and sometimes, its those creative, clever things that can have the most power. Perhaps you wont convince someone to buy the book for themselves, but you might convince them that its a book someone they know would love, ultimately leading them to gift it to someone else. That is power. Cost: Your time! None of these are brilliant suggestions for how to support a book or favorite author, but theyre all tried-and-true strategies. Theyre real, tangible ways you as a reader and book lover can do work that makes a powerful and lasting difference. If youd like even more ideasâ€"including plenty of creative ones!â€"check out our previous post on 99 ways to get the word out about a book.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Marketing Plan For A Marketing Strategy - 1811 Words
Introduction Research is a vital component in the success of any marketing strategy. Research provides insights into the creation and evolving changes to a marketing strategy. Over the last three years, Edible Arrangements’ top franchises in New York are showing a decline of five percent in both the consumer and business segments. As a means of boosting sales, it has been decided that a new product launching could help provide the increase needed. At the beginning of our research, it is necessary to scan the market, environment, economy, and competitor offerings around these stores to better understand what may be a contributing factors to the overall decline in sales before we introduce this new product line. Once the data is analyzed, then progress can be made to ensure what the best opportunities for success will be for our new product launching. Our research plan will provide input in finding new customers for existing products, uncover new market segments, and anticipate competi tors’ moves when launching our new product line. Problem Definition In adequately researching any topic, the problem should be correctly identified. In this case, consistently declining sales and market shares to the tune of five percent per year for three consecutive years is the underlying situation. To help understand why we have a decrease in sales over the past three years in our New York franchises we have taken the time to ask the following questions while identifying the problem.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Plan For A Marketing Strategy909 Words  | 4 PagesA marketing plan is crucial to the survival of an organization. Marketing plans need to be well thought out and target a certain market. The market that an organization chooses will demonstrate what direction they want the organization to head in. 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Actually language translation business is not same as product selling business, in product selling business, you have a product which customers can touch and check butt marketing and selling services is the hardest job because some our customers are unaware
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
All Quiet On The Western Front - 1371 Words
All quiet on the Western Front is a book written by Erich Maria Remarque about the frontlines of Germany during WWI, while Omissi’s Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers’ Letters is a series of letters written by soldiers and their loved ones describing what they went through on the front lines for the allies as well as at home. Both of these sources describe what it was like to live and fight during the war both from the side of the allies and the Germans. While these sources share a common topic, the frontline and life during WWI, the soldiers took very different stances on the war, their superiors and what they were really fighting for. All Quiet on the Western Front begins with a company of German soldiers who have been deployed†¦show more content†¦The difference is, how long each of these sides kept their respective thoughts on the war and what their superiors did to try and raise the moral of their troops. Paul and his friends had what they thought to be an unnecessarily cruel corporal in charge of them, Corporal Himmeltoss. He had them do many things such as march for hours, sing and then punish them for not singing well enough and wash the barracks. In one instance Corporal Himmeltoss forced two bed wetters, one of which was Paul’s friend Tjarden, to alternate sleeping on the bottom bunk beneath each other so that they would essentially urinate on each other. Because of this, many of the soldiers in his company despised him. Paul, Tjarden and some other soldiers actually end up devising a plan to jump him on his morning walk and beat him up for revenge. On the side of the Indians however, many of the officers were much more kind and their superiors also reacted once morale started to fall. Earlier in the war, near the end of 1915, two groups of Indian infantrymen were withdrawn from France due to the thought that their morale would not survive the harsh winter of France. Many sepoys wrote about how they were ready they were to get back home and often times told their family and friends not to enlist. Others on the other hand tried to ease their family’s worries and tell them that all was well. The story was very different for the sepoy cavalrymen. They often welcomed the sight of battle and were excitedShow MoreRelatedAll Quiet of the Western Front756 Words  | 3 PagesPlot Summary: All Quiet on the Western Front Written by Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front is the tale of a young man by the name of Paul. Paul who is nineteen years old gathers several of his friends from school and together they voluntarily join the army fighting for the Axis alliance. Before they are sent off into actual battle, they are faced with the brutal training camp. Along with this they face the cruelty of the life of a soldier. This made them question the reason forRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front700 Words  | 3 PagesThe greatest war novel of all time, All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, is a novel that depicted the hardships of a group of teenagers who enlisted in the German Army during World War 1. Enlisting right out of high school forced the teens to experience things they had never thought of. From the life of a soilder on the front line to troubles with home life, war had managed to once again destroy a group of teenagers. Throughout the novel, we saw the men of the Second CompanyRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front1797 Words  | 8 PagesTitle: All Quiet on the Western Front Creator: Erich Maria Remarque Date of Publication: 1929 Class: War Novel Anecdotal Information about Author: -Erich Maria Remarque was conceived on 22 June 1898 into a working people family in the German city of Osnabrà ¼ck to Peter Franz Remark (b. 14 June 1867, Kaiserswerth) and Anna Maria (nà ©e Stallknecht; conceived 21 November 1871, Katernberg). -During World War I, Remarque was recruited into the armed force at 18 years old. On 12 June 1917, heRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front943 Words  | 4 Pages The book All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, is about a group of 19 year old young men who are changed by the ways of war. There is paul: the main character; Tjaden: a tall, skinny locksmith, also the biggest eater; Albert Kropp: a lance-corporal and the clearest thinker; Muller: studious, intelligent, and likes school; Leer: has a preference for the girls from the prostitution houses and has a beard; Haie Westhus: a peat-digger, and big in size; Deterring: a peasant, he alwaysRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front2393 Words  | 10 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front: Book Review Erich Maria Remarque, author of All Quiet on the Western Front, actually fought in WWI (Remarque 297). Because of this, he was able to write this book with accurate depictions of the war. He writes how being in combat can really take a toll on a person and affect them in a negative way. He also writes of the pain and suffering that the soldiers must cope with that comes along with living in constant fear and danger. When looking at the title of theRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front2085 Words  | 9 PagesThis essay will consider the different effects created by Erich Maria Remarque in his novel All Quiet on the Western Front. As a writer, Remarque unknowingly left his novel open to readers with completely different perspectives, and to various forms of criticism. This undoubtedly meant that every single reader had been affected by the novel in many different ways which unfortunately for Remarque may have been an effect that he never intended. This essay is divided into 5 main sections. Firstly itRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front1089 Words  | 5 Pages In Erich Maria Remarque’s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, human nature is the only abstract periphery between belligerent barbarism and justifiable violence. Through the insipid bombardments that rained shells over the Germans’ heads and noxious implementation of mustard gas, Remarque dexterously misleads the reader into believing that he fights in an apathetic war where all remnants of human nature and identity have been destroyed with the introduction of trench warfare. Through Paul Baumer’sRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front1509 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"He fell in October 1918, on a day that was so quiet and still on the whole front, that the army report confined itself to a single sentence: All quiet on the Western Front†(Remarque 296). Paul Baumer, the narrator of All Quiet on the Western Front, enlisted into the German army at a young age of nineteen with a group of friends from school. Kantorek, Paul’s teacher, â€Å"gave us long lectures until the whole of our class went, under his shepherding, to the District Commandant and volunteered†(RemarqueRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front1129 Words  | 5 PagesIn Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, soldiers at the front have a better idea than civilians of the true n ature of war because they have experienced the war while civilians have only read about it or listened to government propaganda. Remarque is trying to tell us that only those who experience the war can understand how awful war truly is. In All Quiet on the Western Front, the main character Paul goes back to his home, the people he meets still think that the Germans are winningRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front1790 Words  | 8 Pagessmell of cigar smoke, gunpowder, and dirt that filled the air. There was no nationalism; all Paul wanted was survival. World War I was supposed to be about nationalism and the propaganda forced upon the soldiers to feel superiority over other countries, but Paul helps to prove otherwise, as his story tells what is was like to be at the front, and how tough it was to be a soldier. â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†portrays war as it was actually experienced, replacing the romantic picture of glory and
Biography of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Free Essays
John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States (1961-1963). He was the youngest person ever to be elected president. We will write a custom essay sample on Biography of John Fitzgerald Kennedy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, He was the first Roman Catholic president and the first president to be born in the 20the century. He served in World War II on PT boat. He also helped to solve the Cuban Missile Crisis and started Peace of Corps to help 3rd world countries better them selves. Kennedy was assassinated before he completed his third year as president. Therefore, his achievements were limited. He was shot in the head and died within an hour. Kennedy was born on May 29,1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was the second of nine children of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. â€Å"The other children in the family were Joseph, Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert, Jean, and Edward. â€Å"(Encarta’ 95). â€Å"The Kennedys were an active family. With 11 people in the house, someone was always busy. The children took swimming, sailing, and tennis lessons. â€Å"(Potts, Steve – 7). The Kennedy family had long been active in politics. His brothers Robert and Edward Kennedy also entered politics. Kennedy’s both grand fathers had been active in politics. His father was a self-made millionaire. He served as first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and as U. S. ambassador to Great Britain during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Kennedy’s family called him jack. He and his older brother Joe were strong rivals. Jack was quiet and often shy, but held his owns in fights with Joe. â€Å"The boys enjoyed playing touch football. â€Å"(The World Book Encyclopedia, 261). His childhood was full of sports, fun and activity. This all ended when he grew up old enough to leave for school. Kennedy attended elementary schools in Brookline and Riverdale. â€Å"In 1930, when he was 13 years old, his father sent him to the Canterbury School in New Milford, Conn. †(The World Book Encyclopedia, 261). One year later, he transferred to Choate Academy in Wallingford, Coon. He graduated from Choate in 1935 at the age of 18. He was promised a trip to London as a graduation gift but he became ill with jaundice and would have to go to the hospital. He spent the rest of the summer trying to recover. He was not entirely well when he started Princeton, several weeks later in the fall of 1935. The jaundice returned and he had to drop out of school. Before the next school year began, he told his father he wanted to go to Harvard. He entered Harvard University in 1936. There he majored in government and international relations. At Harvard, he tried to explain in his senior thesis why Britain had not been ready for war. Kennedy began to send his paper to publishers, and it was accepted on his second try. Wilfrid Funk published it under the title Why England Slept. It became a bestseller. He became a literary sensation. â€Å"In the spring of 1941, both John and Joe, Jr. decided to enroll in the armed service. †(Reevs, Thomas C. , 37)Joe was accepted but John was turned down. He hoped to fight in the WWII but he was rejected by the U. S. Army because of his back trouble and history of illness. He reapplied after five months program of special exercise and was accepted into the Navy as a desk clerk in Washington. He was disgusted and applied for a transfer. Kennedy was sent to Naval Officers Training School at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, in 1941. Later he was sent for additional training at the Motor Torpedo Boat Center at Melville, Rhode Island. In late April 1943, he was put in command of a PT 109 in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. Kennedy saw action in the form of night patrols and participated in enemy bombings. â€Å"On August 1, 1943, during a routine night patrol, a Japanese destroyer collided in the darkness with Kennedy’s craft and the PT 109 was sunk. †(Falkolf, Lucille – 7). Kennedy heroically swam back and forth rescuing his wounded crew. Two were killed in the crash. The injury once again aggravated his back. Still, Kennedy pushed on swimming from island to island in the South Pacific hoping for a patrol to come by. Kennedy had no idea he had been in the water for eight hours. Finally, an island was spotted that could provided cover from Japanse planes. Kennedy realized that he and the crew must move on. He gathered the crew to move to another island in search of food. Kennedy swam for the next four days along a water route that he knew American ships used. Kennedy was now desperate enough to seek help from natives on a Japanese controlled island. He persuaded the natives to deliver a message written on the back of a coconut shell to allied forces. â€Å"The coconut fell into the hands of allied scouts and a patrol was sent. â€Å"(Encarta’ 95) Kennedy and his crew were finally rescued. â€Å"For his courage, endurance, and excellent leadership, Kennedy received the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps medal, awarded for heroism not involving conflict with the enemy. â€Å"(Encarta’ 95). John soon contracted malaria. He became ill. Then, he returned to the United States for medical. During recovery, Kennedy knew that his brother Joe, Jr. had been killed in action. Kennedy put his feelings onto paper and a second book was published for the family and close friends. †(Reevs, Thomas C. , 11). He called it â€Å"As We Remember Joe. †Kennedy’s father had assumed that Joe, Jr. would go into politics. Both of his grandfathers had been active in politics. Now, Kennedy was the oldest Kennedy of his generation. His first chance in politics came when Congressman James Curley from the 11th District of Massachusetts decided to retire. It was his first Congressional seat by a margin of more than two to one. He was placed on the front page of the New York Times and in Time Magazine. He was often mistaken in Congress as a Senate page or an elevator operator. Later he ran against nine other candidates. He won the primary with 42 percent of the votes. He served three terms in the House of Representatives, during the Democratic Administrations of President harry S. Truman. He supported legislation that would serve the interests of his constituents. He also joined with Republicans in criticizing the Truman administration’s handling of China. Kennedy easily won reelection to Congress in 1948 and 1950. â€Å"In 1952 he decided to run against incumbent Republican Senator henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Because Kennedy was little know outside his congressional district. †(Encarta’ 95). He began his campaign two years before the election and met thousands of people throughout Massachusetts. The entire Kennedy family took part in the campaign. Kennedy defeated Lodge by 70, 000 votes. Kennedy married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier on September 12, 1953, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Newport, Rhode Island. He had three children. One daughter and two sons. Kennedy’s youngest son died in less than 48 hours after his birth. Kennedy underwent a spinal-disk operation in less than a year after his marriage. Soon after that, a second back operation was performed. He wrote â€Å"Profiles in Courage†during this time. A book of essays on American politicians who risked their careers fighting for just but unpopular causes. It was published in 1956. This book received the Pulitzer Prize in 1957. Many people had known little about Kennedy came to admire him because of the success of â€Å"Profiles in Courage. †In 1957, Kennedy became a member of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and he later won a place on the Senate Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor Management Field. His brother Robert served as chief counsel in the same Committee. In 1958, he spent many of his weekends campaigning for reelection in Massachusetts. â€Å"His Margin of victory, 874, 000 votes, was the largest ever recorded in a Massachusetts senatorial contest. †(Encarta’ 95). Kennedy now began speaking out on foreign affairs. He was a severe critic of France’s refusal to make concessions to its colony, Algeria. He advocated Algerian independence. Kennedy wanted the 1960 Democratic presidential nomination. He began working for it and faced several major obstacles. Many party leaders considered him too young and too inexperienced for the presidency. Many also doubted that a Roman Catholic could win a national election in a country that was mostly Protestant. Kennedy won most of the larger states in the northeastern United States. â€Å"The election drew a record 69 million voters to the polls, but Kennedy won by only 113, 000 votes. â€Å"(Encarta’ 95). He won49. 7 percent of the popular vote, and Nixon won 49. 6 percent. Kennedy received 303 electoral votes to Nixon’s 219. Kennedy was inaugurated on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he emphasized America’s revolutionary heritage. â€Å"The same†¦ beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe,†Kennedy said. â€Å"Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans-born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage-and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. (Encarta’ 95) The words of his address were, â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you- ask what you can do for your country. â€Å"(The World Book Encyclopedia, 268). â€Å"During Kennedy’s first year in office, the Congress of the United States passed a major housing bill, a law increasing the minimum wage, and a bill granting federal aid to the country’s economically depressed areas. â€Å"(Schlesinger, Arthur Meier-17). Kennedy also oversaw a bill creating the Peace Corps. After his initial success with Congress, Kennedy found it increasingly difficult to get his programs enacted into law. Although the Democrats held a majority in both legislative houses, Southern Democrats joined with conservative Republicans to stop legislation they dislike. With one bill, however, Congress dedicated more than $1 billion to finance sending a man to the moon. The major American legal and moral conflict during Kennedy’s three years in office was in the area of civil rights for black citizens. Although â€Å"Kennedy was in no way responsible for the growth of the civil rights movement, he attempted to aid the cause by enforcing existing laws. He also asked Congress to pass a civil rights bill that would guarantee blacks the rights to vote, to attend public school, to have equal access to jobs, and to have access to public accommodations. â€Å"(Schlesinger, Arthur Meier-59). â€Å"In the late 1950s and early 1960s the government of Cuba under fidel Castro became increasingly hostile to the United States. When Castro began to proclaim his belief in Communism, many Cubans fled to the United States. †(Encarta’ 95). In 1961 a secret project begun during the previous administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower culminated. Under the training of the Central Intelligence Agency, more than 1000 Cuban exiles invaded Cuba at a place called the Bahia de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs). â€Å"In Cuba both the bay of pigs occurred, in which U. S. supported rebels revolted in a poorly laid out plan of events that fell out beneath them, and the Cuban Missile Crisis in which the Soviet Republic were building missile silos in Cuba, 100 miles away from Florida. â€Å"(Encarta’ 95). The Space Race was in full force with both Russia and the U. S. in competition to reach the moon during this time. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the world’s largest approach to nuclear war. In 1960 Khrushchev decided to supply Cuba with nuclear missiles that would put the eastern United States within range of nuclear missile attack. In 1962 U. S. spy planes flying over Cuba spotted the first missile. Kennedy demanded that the USSR remove the weapons. United troops prepared to invade Cuba, but after a few tense days Khrushchev promised not to invade Cuba. The United States signed a limited nuclear test ban treaty with Britain and the USSR, outlawing nuclear explosions in the atmosphere or underwater, but allowing them underground. â€Å"John F. Kennedy was shot to death by an assassin on Nov. 2. 1963, as he rode through the streets of Dallas, Texas. †(The World Book Encyclopedia, 266). Two shots were fired in rapid succession. One bullet passed through the president’s neck and struck Governor Connally in the back. The other bullet struck the president in the head. His car sped to Parkland Hospital but doctors couldn’t save his life. He was pronounced dead at 1:00 p. m. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated him. Oswald was charged with the murder and arrested that afternoon. Two days after, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot Oswald while being moved from the city to the county jail. Millions of television viewers saw Ruby kill Oswald, who was under police guard. On November 24, the body of President Kennedy was carried on a horse-drawn carriage from the White House to the Rotunda of the Capitol. Thousands of people filed past the coffin of the president. The state funeral of President Kennedy was watched on television by millions around the World. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Kennedy was the first President to be born in the twentieth century and was very much a man of his time. He was restless, seeking, with a thirst of knowledge, and he had a feeling of deep commitment, not only to the people of the United States, but to the people of the world. Many of the causes he fought for exist today because of what he did for the rights of minorities, the poor, the very old and the very young. He never took anything for granted and worked for everything he owned. Perhaps Kennedy summed up his life best in his own inaugural speech: â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. â€Å"(The World Book Encyclopedia, 268). He was a very loved and respected president and will truly be missed. How to cite Biography of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Leather for the drum Review Essay Example
Leather for the drum Review Paper Essay on Leather for the drum I hasten to describe their impressions of the book, as long as they have not yet cooled down, and his head pops up image of ancient dilapidated churches in the center of Seville, and in the ears heard the sounds of flamenco, which for me is as much a symbol of Spain, as well as bullfights, and in the air bitter-sweet scent of orange trees in bloom. This book about Spain, about its soul, the religiosity of its people and their customs, the sacrament of the Catholic Mass, the love of God, woman, duty and faith, and the temptation Have you ever thought about is: why do we need religion, and why some people devote themselves to the service of God? I grew up in a very believing family, my great-grandfather was a priest, and he never will not impose his worldview, just lived according to the laws of God. So, I always thought that all priests are the same, but when she grew up, I realized that, unfortunately, it is not so. In this book, it is shown inside the church, with all its injustice, greed, venality, but at the same time, the author argues that there is fair and the priests, and the truth is on their side. They are the patching-perelatanoy skin for a drum that carries the world the glory of the Lord. We will write a custom essay sample on Leather for the drum Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Leather for the drum Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Leather for the drum Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I admit, the book read for a long time, initially was not interested, even in something reminds already rather bored by Dan Brown, but closer by the middle of the book absorbed me entirely, I lived in Seville, along with the main characters. Im afraid seem too vostorzhonnoy, very enthusiastic, but there are information for reflection, there is a unique authors style that I would He called sophisticated. I am very impressed with this is his second book, read by me (the first was Flemish board), and I can definitely say I want to read, and everything else that he created, even if I am not satisfied with the story, sure that the language is perfect. By the way, for those who we do not like chewed food I can say this book you will have a long time to chew, so that good appetite!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Natural Harmony of Organic Architecture
The Natural Harmony of Organic Architecture Organic Architecture is a term that American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) used to describe his environmentally integrated approach to architectural design. The philosophy grew from the ideas of Wrights mentor, Louis Sullivan, who believed that form follows function. Wright argued that form and function are one. Author Jà ³sean Figueroa argues that Wrights philosophy grew from the American Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Organic architecture strives to unify space, to blend interiors and exteriors, and create a harmonic built environment not separate or dominant from nature but as a unified whole. Frank Lloyd Wrights own homes, Taliesin in Spring Green, Wisconsin and Taliesin West in Arizona, exemplify the architects theories of organic architecture and lifestyle Wright was not concerned with architectural style, because he believed that every building should grow naturally from its environment. Nevertheless, Wrights architectural elements found in the prairie house - overhanging eaves, clerestory windows, one-story rambling open floor plans - are elements found in many of Wrights designs. In Spring Green, the structure Wright designed that is now the Taliesin Visitors Center is like a bridge or a dock on the Wisconsin River: the roofline of Taliesin West follows the Arizona hills, stepping in downward paths toward pools of liquid desert. Wrights architecture seeks harmony with the land, be it desert or prairie. Definition of Organic Architecture A philosophy of architectural design, emerging in the early 20th cent., asserting that in structure and appearance a building should be based on organic forms and should harmonize with its natural environment. - Dictionary of Architecture and Construction Modernist Approaches to Organic Design In the last half of the twentieth century, Modernist architects took the concept of organic architecture to new heights. By using new forms of concrete and cantilever trusses, architects could create swooping arches without visible beams or pillars. Parque Gà ¼ell and many other works by the Spanish Antoni Gaudà have been called organic. Modern organic buildings are never linear or rigidly geometric. Instead, wavy lines and curved shapes suggest natural forms. Classic examples of modernist approaches to organic architecture include the Sydney Opera House by Danish architect Jà ¸rn Utzon and the Dulles International Airport with its swooping, wing-like roofs by Finnish architect Eero Saarinen. Modern approaches are less concerned with integrating architecture within the surrounding environment as did Frank Lloyd Wright. The World Trade Center Transportation Hub by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava may well represent a modernist approach to organic architecture. The white-winged Oculus is an organic form in the center of a new complex of towers, and memorial pools, is how Architectural Digest described it, at the sites of the two that fell in 2001. Taliesin as Organic Architecture Wrights ancestry was Welsh, and Taliesin is a Welsh word. Taliesin, a Druid, was a member of King Arthurs Round Table, Wright has said. It means shining brow and this place now called Taliesin is built like a brow on the edge of the hill, not on top of the hill because I believe you should never build on top of anything directly. If you build on top of the hill, you lose the hill. If you build on one side of the top, you have the hill and the eminence that you desire. You see? Well, Taliesin is a brow like that. Houses should not be boxes set together row on row. If a house is to be architecture, it must become a natural part of the landscape. The land is the simplest form of architecture, wrote Frank Lloyd Wright. Both Taliesin properties are organic because their designs adapt to the environment. Horizontal lines mimic the horizontal range of hills and shoreline. The slope of a roof mimics the slope of the land. If you cant get to tour the Wright homes in Wisconsin and Arizona, perhaps a short trip to southern Pennsylvania would illuminate the nature of organic architecture. Many people have heard of Fallingwater, the private home nestled on top of a hillside stream. Through the use of modern materials - steel and glass - cantilever construction enabled the structure to appear like smooth concrete stones skipping along the Bear Run waterfalls. Very near Fallingwater, another Wright-designed home, Kentuck Knob, may be more landlocked than its neighbor, yet the roof almost becomes the forest floor as one walks around the house. These two homes alone exemplify organic architecture and construction at Wrights best. So here I stand before you preaching organic architecture: declaring organic architecture to be the modern ideal and the teaching so much needed if we are to see the whole of life, and to now serve the whole of life, holding no traditions essential to the great TRADITION. Nor cherishing any preconceived form fixing upon us either past, present or future, but - instead - exalting the simple laws of common sense - or of super-sense if you prefer - determining form by way of the nature of materials... - Frank Lloyd Wright, An Organic Architecture, 1939 Sources The Philosophy of Organic Architecture by Jà ³sean Figueroa, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014Organic Architecture: The Other Modernism by Alan Hess, Gibbs Smith, 2006New Organic Architecture: The Breaking Wave by David Pearson, University of California Press; 2001The Future of Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright, New American Library, Horizon Press, 1953, pp. 21, 41Dictionary of Architecture and Construction edited by Cyril M Harris, McGraw-Hill, 1975, pp. 340-341Santiago Calatrava Explains How He Designed the Oculus For Future Generations by Elizabeth Fazzare, Architectural Digest online posted October 24, 2017,
Monday, March 2, 2020
All In One Social Media App What Makes CoSchedule the Best
All In One Social Media App What Makes the Best Managing your social media is†¦ well, it isn’t easy. At first it seems like it should take way less time than a blog or email†¦ But it actually is a MAJOR time suck. First, you have to plan out all your posts Which includes spending time trying to pinpoint the BEST time to publish your content based on your audience while still making sure you don’t have any gaps in your schedule. Next, you spend a large amount of time creating + curating your social media content†¦ only for it to drop into social media oblivion (a.k.a the very bottom of a newsfeed) just hours or even minutes after it’s posted. *insert tiny sobs here* ^^#reallife This doesn’t even take into consideration all the social networks (and every associated username and password) you have to manage in that packed spreadsheet of yours. And to make matters worse†¦ After you’ve already spent all that time creating and posting your content†¦ taking any extra time (if you have any) to measure the effectiveness + reach of your social media feels SUPER tedious. And very un-fun. Because your marketing plan is more than just social media.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Academic Goals and Interest in Public Administration Personal Statement
Academic Goals and Interest in Public Administration - Personal Statement Example I have observed older family members who have chosen this path, and I can see that those who study hard are able to make a much bigger contribution to their organization. I would like to be an employee who makes a difference, and not just one who puts in regular hours and takes a salary without adding much to the lives of others. I also like teamwork, and this is another reason why Public Administration is a good choice for me. I am looking forward to learning more about the theories that have been devised to explain the way that organizations should be run and I have a particular interest in human resource management (HRM). As a person, I am very concerned about the need for people to be treated fairly, whether they are employees or clients. I know that it is difficult to balance operational and human needs and this something that I think our country needs to improve. Everyone should have the same right to assistance with official processes when they need it, and our public organizations are there to make this happen. If I were to be accepted to study Public Administration then I hope that in about ten years’ time I will be an office manager with a happy team of workers who deliver excellent services to the public. I realize that I have a long way to go before I reach this goal, but I am hard working and committed to achieving this long term personal goal.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Change Management - individual Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Change Management - individual - Assignment Example Moreover, constant technological innovations and globalizations results in a constantly evolving business environment. Phenomena such as the mobile adaptability and the social media have created many revolutions in business and the resultant effects is the ever increasing desire for change, and hence change management. The perspectives of managing change held by major change agents studied in my group case study Change management in any organization or work place is one of the important areas that should be taken into account for the overall change in the mode of operations. Aside from the overall change management in any workplace, we came up with perspectives in our group case study on management of change that incorporates many factors and boils down many assumptions into a simple basic pattern of thoughts. These I believe would have some implications in the future of the organization. To begin with, for the change to be effected in any organization it should start with the person al change management of the leader or the manager before it is adopted by other employees in the organization. But it is of great importance that the perspective in change management and recognition of the others points of view are paramount for them also to adopt the assumptions of their leader (Elearn Limited (Great Britain) 2007). Secondly, according to Green (2007), it is always important to think the worthiness of the change enforcement before executing it. This is because most employees tend to be more effective when allowed to finish the tasks assigned in their own unique ways. However, this is not the case in many organizations. Many of them have laid down procedures where work has to be done according to the rules of the book. For instance, in the manufacturing line, there are processes that cannot be replaced by any other way apart from the laid down procedure. Therefore, this calls for caution before adopting change. Thirdly, it is of high importance as the manager to alw ays remember that change does not occur overnight. People differ in their management styles and therefore the differences are portrayed differently. Some managers when coping with change are more methodical while some managers can adapt at a notice of a moment. Therefore, managers need to evaluate themselves and find their own way of adapting to change (Pugh 2007). Finally, our personal assumption in the management of change involves the people directly affected in all stages of the change process. This calls for teamwork in any organization or work place because mandating an employee to change and failing to involve him/her in the process of change increases the probability that they will not change. An explanation of how these assumptions impacted upon the processes and outcomes of this organizational change initiative Technological growth has secondary effect of rising up the availability and hence knowledge accountability. Furthermore, information which is easily accessible has resulted in un-foreseen scrutiny from the media and the stakeholders. Pugh & Mayle (2009) observes â€Å"that the listening ears and the prying eyes makes the failed businesses uncomfortable and thwart their endeavors†. Furthermore, it increases high pressure on the struggling executives. With the environment of the business experiencing so many changes, the organizations should adapt and adjust to be comfortable with many upcoming changes as well. Therefore, management and adaptation ability to
Friday, January 24, 2020
Truman Capotes In Cold Blood: Novel vs Movie Essay -- In Cold Blood Es
The book, â€Å"In Cold Blood†, is a nonfiction story by Truman Capote. This book presents one of the worst murders in history. It was a best seller worldwide, and turned into a successful movie. As usual the movie does not stand up to the book. If you want more knowledge of the townspeople, victims and more insight into the trial, more background details of the murders, you should read the book. If you are interested in history and a good murder mystery all in the confines of a book cover, read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. While reading the book â€Å"In Cold Blood†you are introduced to the Clutter family one by one. You learn that Herb Clutter is the head of the house. He is well liked and respected by the townspeople. Mr. Clutter was a prosperous farmer. As the reader, you learn that Bonnie Clutter, Herb Clutter’s, wife is a recluse due to fainting spells. This caused her to stay close to home, inside a lot. Nancy is the daughter of Herb and Bonnie, and she is popular with her peers and liked throughout the town. The last of the Clutter family to be introduced to us is Kenyon, the son of Herb and Bonnie and Nancy’s brother. These are the victims of the awful murders. You get to know them all. In the movie they are humanized, but in the book you get to know them better. The movie shows us a very disturbed Perry Smith and a cunning, want to get rich quick, Dick Hickock. While the book details Perry’s life in the juvenile detention center, his life in the convent, and the closeness he shared with his sister Barbara. The movie closely mirrored this, and you see great detail of Perry Smith’s childhood. Mr. Capote sets the stage and the fill of the town nicely, by describing in detail the drive into town. He sets the ... ...ted Gindin, James. â€Å"Harvest of a Quiet Eye: The Novel of Compassion.†Contemporary Literaray Criticism. Vol. 3. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1975. 100. Hollowell, John. â€Å"Truman Capote’s Nonfiction Novel.†Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 19. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1975. 84. â€Å"Literary Classics.†(Mar. 18, 1999): n. pag. Online. Available: â€Å"Manaly Analysis: In Cold Blood†. (Mar. 18, 1999): n. pag. Online. Available: Nance, William L. â€Å"The Worlds of Truman Capote.†Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 13. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1975. 137-139. Whittington-Egan Richard. â€Å"Needle-Pointed Penman.†Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 8. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research company, 1975. 133.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Business Plan for Small Business Essay
Introduction While food trucks are very popular in the U.S, it seems under the strict by-laws in Ottawa as well as other cities in Canada as the government want to protect its citizens. With a growing demand for food trucks, the City of Ottawa has been forced to loosen restrictions on the mobile eateries, much to the approval of locals as well as chefs trying to make a mark on the culinary environment. In 2012, City Council approved the New Street Food Vending Program to encourage new, convenient and culturally diverse fare on City streets. There are now a total of 61 street food vendors permitted on Ottawa’s streets (32 trucks & 29 carts). In the spring of 2013, there was an addition of 17 new vendors (10 trucks & 7 carts). From oriental cuisine to Mexican treats, seasonal creations to sustainable seafood, these new vendors will complement the existing mix of street foods vendors and satisfy the diverse appetites of residents and tourists alike. According to the Ottawa’s new street food vending program, a food truck cannot be greater than 10 meters in length (33 feet), by 2.6 meters in width (8.5 feet), by 4.3 meters in height (14 feet). Refreshment trucks must: be clean and sanitary all the times be in compliance with size regulations be safe and stable condition and state of good repair have recycling and trash receptacles outside of the unit have a trade name written on both sides of vehicle with letters no smaller than 7cm in height be removed from City streets during non operating hours (11pm – 5:30am) not be left unattended for longer than 30 minutes during operating hours In addition, all licenses and permit holders must: dispose of grease and water in accordance with all laws and regulations ensure trash/recyclables resulting from the vending activity are collected and removed from the vending area before leaving for the day. Street Vending Insurance Information As a condition of being issued a mobile refreshment vehicle or cart license, you are required to obtain and maintain General Commercial Liability Insurance coverage which meets the following requirements: insurance for Public Liability and Property Damage for vehicles with a limit of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence insurance for Public Liability and Property Damage for carts with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence the City of Ottawa is named as an additional insured the policy must contain an endorsement to provide the City with 30 days prior notice of cancellation or change that would diminish coverage A mobile refreshment vehicle or cart license will not be issued until sufficient proof of insurance has been received and approved. Arrange for a vehicle or cart inspection Prepared to schedule for final inspection in time through By-law and Regulatory Services Branch. Contact Officer Jacqueline Mundy at 613 580 2424 EXT 33340 or by e-mail at to arrange your on-site inspection. Food service inspection across Canada is generally carried out by these organizations: provincial governments, municipalities and regional health authorities Executive Summary The business is the restaurant/service industry. It is important for us to understand that customers are our top priority, and for this reason our business is entirely devoted to serving their needs There was recently an article in globe and mail about food allergies in Canada: â€Å"It is estimated that 5 to 6 per cent of young children and 3 to 4 per cent of adults suffer from food allergies. Nearly 1 per cent of the population is affected by celiac disease; for them, the consumption of foods containing gluten can lead to long-term complications.†(Galloway, 2012) The general public should not be worried for their health when they go out to enjoy a meal with loved ones, they should not have to concern themselves with counter-active measures every time they dine away from home. The Food Truck is a limited partnership and has both limited and general partners. The Food Truck will strive to provide the highest quality of food and service to their customers. This business idea had been put together by five people from different parts of the world, making a total contribution of $54543. The Food Truck targets a wide variety of markets, people from all parts of the world. Our number one goal is to make customers happy, no matter the cost, so that they feel happy, confident and motivated to recommend us to their friends, family and colleagues The Food Truck specializes in allergy free food. The menu that ‘The Food Truck’ has is all allergy-free products. However, we target all the potential customers but our biggest target market is people with food allergies or intolerance and these individuals are definitely going to love this food. People on limited diets experience challenges finding food that they can enjoy and The Food Truck will provide a simple and convenient dining experience. According to the analysis, a rough sketch of costs and expenses that are going to occur after selling 200 menu items a day will be: Due to the nature of our product, and the service our business provides to the community, our target market can be both broad and focused at the same time. It is broad in the sense that we will be serving the entirety of the Ottawa region on a region-by-region basis, a population that can be narrowed demographically to only an estimate of those people who have a food allergy or intolerance. For the first six months of business operations, we are simply looking to breakeven in terms of profitability. Any extra earned above and beyond our costs can be used to improve or upgrade our business, so that when our pricing objectives change, we can be one step ahead in terms of our ability to offer a better, more inclusive product. As our price objectives increase, we can further use the projected increase in profitability to both upgrade our primary location, and begin planning for expansion. Based on initial investments by the management team, to create our start-up ownership spread in the business’ shares, we have $20,000 to apply to our beginning costs in this business venture (100 shares x $200/share). This will cover around half of the purchase of a food truck to use (Lagorio, 2010), or the total licensing fees and partial inventory needed to get started. This brings us up short around $60,000-$75,000 to cover our start up costs and first year expenses to ensure our business runs smoothly and has the time to begin showing its own profit. This report will analyze the very crucial information for the allergy food truck business. The information will be divided into different categories for better illustration. We will first discuss how our food truck business is unique and different from other types of food truck business. This report will give each individual or grouped investor better understanding of our unique food truck business and demonstrate great potential and opportunity that the allergy food truck has. And since the funding covers 90% of the start-up cost, it shouldn’t be hard for the owners to easily cover any unexpected expenses that can happen in business. And in case the funding is not granted, we have a backup plan (Plan B). So then we will be looking for other forms of financing, beginning with business loans from banks, and other investors. Manufacturing and Operation Plan The first step in our plan will be getting licensed from the City of Ottawa. Food truck design is also crucial. It’s almost like designing a new kitchen for a new restaurant. Because the food truck is smaller than most of restaurant kitchens, every inch of the space has to be utilized. A designated area for cooking, storing, and serving is needed. Dry goods, paper goods and other perishable items will be stored in the cabinets and cupboards which will be secured while driving. Built-in prep counter will be made of stainless steel and all the hazardous materials will always be kept away from food and serving utensils. Since we only serve specific items in our menu, we’ll use a medium size truck that can give us enough space to prep and serve. The serving window and the kitchen prep area will be made of stainless steel. All the freezers and coolers will be bolted for safety. In summer the ideal places are beaches and the Byward market. This truck will give enough space for employees to do their jobs and will also allow customers to order and get their food with ease. According to my analysis, a rough sketch of costs and expenses that are going to occur after selling 200 menu items in a month will be: Once the menu and business hits the market, the company will expand its business by buying a bigger truck which will have larger kitchen and serving area and where people can enjoy their food in the truck. So basically, it will be a mobile restaurant. Customers will have two choices, either enjoying their food on the roof or take out. The units will be equipped with proper ventilation and electrical outlets. The outside counter will hold sausages, napkins and all stuff like that as shown in first image. An awning over the window will also be handy in case of rain or bad weather (Mealy). The ownership and shares will cover the expenses for the first year and the licensing cost. The government funding will cover the cost of the truck and other expenses that cannot be covered by owners. And in case government funding is not granted, plan B will cover the cost of truck and other expenses. Once the business is up and running, the target is to sell between 7200-8000 items over the year, which means 15-20 items per day on average, which is easily achievable. After selling 7200 items, projected net profit after paying wages are calculated around $35000 which can be divided between the owners. Human Resources Plan The Key members of our business team are Suzanne Crabtree, Brent Grinstead, Phuong Anh Phan, Ding Sun and Amrinder Singh. Each member holds a varying number of shares for the company as detailed below: Name# Shares Held% Ownership Suzanne Crabtree40[40%] Brent Grinstead 30[30%] Phuong Anh Phan10[10%] Amrinder Singh10[10%] Ding Sun10[10%] Phuong Anh Phan graduated from Interior Decorating Program iscurrently completing Small and Medium Enterprise Management Program. Phuong Anh has worked 1 year as a designer at UMA, a design company. After that, 2 years of work experience were completed as an office administrator and designer at Markham Center Realty. Amrinder Singh completed high school in India before deciding to go overseas for higher studies and chose Algonquin College. He has worked as a cashier in a bank in India. In Canada, he has done roofing, worked in warehouses, mac’s as well as security positions. From all of this experience he has learnt how to run a business and things that we should and shouldn’t do. Ding Sun was originally born in China and at the age of fifteen came to Canada. Elementary and middle school was completed in China. High school was completed in Canada. Ding transferred from the University of Ottawa to Algonquin College for post-secondary studies. After an unhappy experience at the University of Ottawa, Ding decided to take business administration with a major in accounting. Ding Sun has worked in a dollar store as a store worker and cashier for one summer also as an assembler for a small factory. Outside of school Ding enjoys listening to music and playing video games. Brent Grinstead has switched educational goals twice in the last five years. Because of this, he has a diploma in Radio Broadcasting, a semester’s worth of pre-design courses, and his current program is Business Administration with a major in Accounting. Through his work in the Radio Broadcasting program, he has learned how to juggle multiple tasks at once. During his time as a radio station manager he was responsible for creating the structure for how the material was played over the air, scheduling students for air time, and both scheduling and approving commercial and music content. Business Administration has helped him learn new ways of looking behind the scenes of the business world, as well as providing many opportunities to gain new skills with those things in mind. He has learned how to do a wide range of new tasks such as writing fund proposals, how to write a variety of business reports, creating and presenting marketing strategies to help existing companies, and learning how to properly present financial statements at the end of fiscal periods. In his varied work experience with a mix of duties, Brent has learned a variety of skills including time management in an office setting, how to manage tasks according to importance, how to deal with the post public, and how client records and receivables were maintained. Suzie Crabtree completed her early education in the gifted program in Ottawa which helped teach her valuable learning and communications skills. After high school she began her post secondary education with three years at Carleton University. When she discovered that it was not the right fit, she transferred over to Algonquin College to complete Business Administration. In terms of work experience, she has worked for the City of Ottawa, the Federal Government, a toy store and McDonald’s. All of these experiences have provided her with exposure to a variety of different tasks. She has an excellent understanding of human resources and how to manage a successful team. She is a great communicator and is able to provide excellent customer service. These work experiences have also allowed her to have an inside look at the finances and other procedures involved in running a business such as inventory and payroll. Before we begin to hire staff for The Food Truck, each member of the management team will need to undergo some training in food allergies and intolerances so that they are better prepared to run the business and help hire and train new staff. Due to a lack of relevant experience, menu creation and planning will have to be outsourced. As well, outside help will have to be brought in to train staff on new menu items. The Food Truck will require a total of eight (8) employees’ altogether. There will be one (1) full-time Manager, one (1) full-time Assistant Manager, one (1) full-time cook, one (1) full-time cashier, two (2) part-time cooks, and two (2) part-time cashiers. This balance of staff will allow The Food Truck to offer a reasonable range of working hours while still working to control labour costs. The Manager and Assistant Manager will be responsible for all of the day-to-day activities of the business and the business team listed above will oversee the overall running of the business. Our job application for The Food Truck is provided below. We are looking for employees with experience as a cook or cashier depending on the position applied for. Our Manager and Assistant Manager will need to have previous managerial experience in a food-related business. They should possess excellent administrative and analytical skills. They should be planning-oriented, cautious and focused on the short term. Our cooks and cashiers should have some previous experience in their related area and should be open to receiving training related to food allergies and intolerances. Experience is not mandatory and we are willing to train new individuals. Our cashiers must be friendly and outgoing and must possess excellent customer service skills. Experience handling money would be an asset for the cashiers. All individuals must be willing to work as a part of a team and must understand the close quarter’s nature of the food truck business. The cooks should also be friendly in nature since they will be working as a part of a team in a cramped space. All individuals must be responsible and committed to coming to work on time and doing a great job. To evaluate employees there will be periodic performance review sessions. The first review session will be a probationary session and will take place 60 days after hire. This session will determine whether or not the employee has a future with the organization. After the initial probationary session, performance reviews will occur every 6 months. These performance reviews will allow employees’ to discuss ideas, questions, complaints and job expectations. Employee behaviour and attitudes will also be monitored on a daily basis and discussions regarding performance may take place at any point between review sessions. Wage increases will occur on a yearly basis with a performance review session at the end of the fiscal year. Employees will start off with a competitive wage varying from minimum wage to higher levels based on their experience, training and performance. Employees will be offered bonuses and incentives for working special events and help to attract and retain customers. Marketing Plan The Concept Our product is specifically targeted at people who have an allergy or intolerance to certain foods or food ingredients. We are striving to give them an alternative, healthy, safe option with respect to their needs with regards to these intolerances when they are looking for food options away from home. Because allergies are not a limited condition to a particular age group, the beginnings of our targeting will revolve around the population of Ottawa, from families with young children at home to college students to the elderly, anyone with an allergy or intolerance will fall within the realm of our market. We are looking to target those that are health conscious and looking for an alternative to the regular run-of-the-mill take-out food options in the city. Market Breakdown Due to the nature of our product, and the service our business provides to the community, our target market can be both broad and focused at the same time. It is broad in the sense that we will be serving the entirety of the Ottawa region on a region-by-region basis, a population that can be narrowed demographically to only an estimate of those people who have a food allergy or intolerance. The total population of the city of Ottawa was projected at roughly 920,178 people for 2011, based on three possible scenarios the city officials examined, and an average taken of the results (City of Ottawa, 2001-13). Taking this number, we can further narrow our market by only targeting those that self-report an allergy or food intolerance, which is roughly 7% of Canadians (Health Canada, 2012). Using this percentage, we can limit our target market to around 64,412 people in the Ottawa region. Now, further, according to a study done by Statistics Canada, roughly a quarter of people in Ontario (26.8%) consume food from a fast food outlet on a regular basis (Garriguet, 2004), which further narrows our potential target market to around 17,262 regular users. The rest of the projected market (the remaining 47,150) can still be sought after as occasional users, but can’t be relied upon for a regular consumer or income base. Advantages and Disadvantages Because we will be operating a food-based business, there are a few advantages and disadvantages to consider, which include the following: Advantages Disadvantages We offer a unique product, and it is the sole product we market, making our niche market fill very focused We have analyzed and are trying to fill a very specific consumer need We can broaden our consumer base by reaching out to people who don’t have allergies, strictly on the premise that our food is a healthier alternative to regular take-out We are able to modify our menu as needed to better represent what our consumers are asking for or looking for in this kind of setting Alternatively, we can modify our menu based on profitability of items, trying new options with more inexpensive ingredients There are a wide range of food providers currently on the market (with some restaurants already offering allergy and intolerance alternatives) Allergy alternatives (making the same dishes with allergy conscious ingredients) can be more expensive to supply Starting up with one location may make it difficult to reach the broadest possible consumer base, until the foundation is reached and the business expands Proximity to other food providers may provide unnecessarily high levels of competition, making it difficult to make an impact when starting up Environmental Analysis On top of these advantages and disadvantages, there are also a number of other environmental factors to be considered when evaluating our ability to make a strong market entry. Factors such as the competing businesses currently in the market, the legal climate and regulations specific to our business type, the political climate in the city (if relevant to our business), technological progress that may impact our business, the economic stability of the region, and any socio-cultural factors that may influence our target consumers either for or against our offerings. Some of the main points for each of these factors are summarized in the table below: Factor Description/Details Competition Based on a look at the food trucks around Ottawa that have reportedly been open recently (and can be considered our direct competition, due to the nature of business), only one in 22 boasts having gluten-free and vegetarian alternatives (and at least three are strictly dessert/snack style foods) (Street Food App, 2013), which further strengthens our niche, as consumers would need to venture into a restaurant to find other options. As well, 22 food trucks serving all of Ottawa makes it both an obviously lucrative venture, and a rather thinly spread one. Legal There are many regulatory acts in Canada concerning the sale of food, which is understandable, due to the consumable nature of food products, and the ramifications of bad foods. From acts concerning dairy products, to those concerning agriculture, to those that cover the licensing of food sales (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2013), all would need to be considered in beginning the start-up plans for our business. Political N/A Economic The average income of an Ottawa family in 2010 was $94,700 (Statistics Canada, 2012), which, when tied into the previous stated market size numbers, we can easily state with confidence that there are around 16,000 targetable families in the Ottawa region with this average income level. In addition, when tying the similar food economy to this, when taking into account that there are only 22 similar businesses open in Ottawa at any given time (most of which don’t offer allergy alternatives), the demand for a product similar to our own is fairly high, with a low supply. Technological The main technological factors that impact our business are any advances in allergy treatment. Elizabeth Landau of CNN reported that new experiments involving gradual exposure to allergens for people with severe allergies to foods such as peanuts has shown promise in increasing the tolerance of these people to the reaction-inducing foods (2010). With time, advances such as this could make allergy-free foods unnecessary, causing our business model to become obsolete. However, there is still no true cure for allergies. Socio-Cultural We are aiming to provide a location where the clientele can feel as though their allergies are understood as allergies and not as preferences (Hadley, 2006). As well, we are providing the assured cleanliness that people with allergies will come to expect, being assured that their food hasn’t come into contact with any risk factors, ensuring their comfort in dining out at our locations. The Plan We are looking to fill a very noticeable gap in the food market of the Ottawa region with a business that provides allergy conscious foods, foods that are provided with the guarantee that they have not come into contact with our individual consumers’ intolerances or allergies. We intend on doing this from a food truck style location, something that can be moved from location to location to better provide for our broadly spaced consumer base. This will also provide us with a higher ease of expanding the business as it begins to gain traction in the community, as we can simply purchase a new truck as the funds become available to better provide for our clientele. Pricing In terms of pricing, upon market entry, we intend on pursuing a penetrative pricing strategy, ensuring our prices fall slightly below the market average in order to encourage consumers to approach our business to satisfy their needs. As our client base increases, we can adopt a more aggressive pricing strategy like status quo to begin to increase our profitability as a business. Projections for this switch will fall around the six month after opening mark, in order to give our business the time it needs to properly establish a presence in both the market and the community it serves. Further down the line, we may adopt an even higher pricing strategy, leaning for towards premium pricing, to ensure we can offer the best product possible to our consumers. As we gain consumer base, and as their individual needs become prevalent, it may become clear that we aren’t equipped to satisfy all of their needs at the current cost point. Increasing our pricing in such a way shouldn’t discourage loyal consumers, but will enable us to better approach a broader, more inclusive menu of products that has the potential to vastly increase and improve our client relations. For the first six months of business operations, we are simply looking to breakeven in terms of profitability. Any extra earned above and beyond our costs can be used to improve or upgrade our business, so that when our pricing objectives change, we can be one step ahead in terms of our ability to offer a better, more inclusive product. As our price objectives increase, we can further use the projected increase in profitability to both upgrade our primary location, and begin planning for expansion. Distribution Our distribution plan is purely a point-of-sale endeavour. Consumers would come to our location, and we would serve them allergy free dishes there. As our business grows, however, we may begin to consider catering opportunities to help businesses with staff lunches and similar events. As well, we could delve into simply catering family events for families looking to be able to meet the needs of relatives, children, and so on who have food allergies or intolerances when planning larger family functions. These ideas would be pursued after a proper evaluation of the business model two or three years into operations, based on how profitable the business is, where the demand for our product stands, how far our business has been able to expand, and whether we have the resources to pursue a venture such as this in addition to our standard operations. Advertising/Promotion Advertising efforts should be focused in the month prior to opening, for a huge push towards the grand opening of the business. The following outlines some of the standard rates available for advertising in Ottawa and the area: Advertising Method Costs Associated Newspaper Standard advertising with a newspaper such as the Ottawa Citizen ranges up to $60 an ad for their online site (Ottawa Citizen, 2013), something that would be worth considering as the online movement for news and newspapers has been fairly large, as traditional print media has started to decline in popularity. This would make it fairly easy to run an effective newspaper campaign for around or under $500 in the weeks leading up to the opening of our business. Radio Based on a contact at KISS FM in Ottawa, a standard rate for a 30 second radio commercial is $115, and they often offer one free for every one purchased (Tompkins, 2013). Because this is more expensive than newspaper advertising, within the last week before opening, we could run an effective campaign for $1150 (4 commercials per day x 5 days) Word of Mouth Word of mouth advertising is often the most important form that can be used, as people are far more willing to believe and trust what their friends have done or experienced than what an advertisement tells them. Following opening the business, it would be profitable to offer small incentives to the initial wave of consumers in order to encourage them to bring their friends out to the food truck (for example, offering 20% off their next dish if they bring a friend with them). The results of this marketing push can easily be determined through an assessment of weekly revenues when weighed against costs. If weeks go by consecutively where there is minimal or no profits showing, then it would be crucial to reassess the plan and make changes where necessary or able to. Though, when there are significant profits showing in the books, it may be wise at that point to continue as planned, to ensure the plan continues to be an effective means of profit generation. Financial Plan Based on initial investments by the management team, to create our start-up ownership spread in the business’ shares, we have $20,000 to apply to our beginning costs in this business venture (100 shares x $200/share). This will cover around half of the purchase of a food truck to use (Lagorio, 2010), or the total licensing fees and partial inventory needed to get started. This brings us up short around $60,000-$75,000 to cover our start up costs and first year expenses to ensure our business runs smoothly and has the time to begin showing its own profit. Funding we are expecting to receive include small business grants from the Government of Canada. This grant and loan system offers to cover up to 90% of the financing required to get a new small business started (Industry Canada, 2013). However, this funding isn’t guaranteed, so we will be looking for other forms of financing, beginning with business loans from banks, and other investors. According to our operating budgets, our two weeks first year costs will run at around $3,940, which will be more than covered with our projected sales numbers, which allow for peak season in the spring and summer months, and a slow season in the late fall and winter months (when people aren’t out on the street as much and running a food truck becomes costly and slightly impractical). In order to break even, we would have to sell 7200-8000 4,124 meal items over the course of the year, at a cost of $5 per item, or an average of 15-2011 items per day, which is a completely feasible goal to meet. With summer months bringing in more customers than the winter, the overflow would easily balance out those slow months, ensuring our goal was met and likely garnering some profits to put towards expansion and annual costs for our second year of business. And if the target is met, we can easily be able to pay a huge part of our debt or use the money in taking the business to the next level . The total projected yearly net income after paying wages are calculated to be around $35000 which can be divided by owners in their respective shares. Exit Strategy Our food truck concept is offering food alternatives without the reaction–including ingredients. Our service is serving the Ottawa communities from all range of different customers and different cultures as well. We hope to raise awareness of food allergies in the city, and demonstrate our own working solution to combat the shortage of allergy-friendly alternatives in the Ottawa area. As the business grows, we plan to turn our food truck shop into a franchise. According to Ottawa Public Health regulations related to food handling and storage, there are currently no restrictions on the types of food that may be sold on the street. On-street food vendors require a mobile refreshment vehicle business license and designated space permit issued by the City of Ottawa. The total annual fee for truck ranges from $4,703 to $6,748. The breakdown of these fees is as follows: Annual Business License Fee for Trucks: $2,981 6 Month Business License Fee for Trucks: $1,945 Annual Designated Space Permit Fee: Truck (Downtown Core): $3,767 Truck (Outside Core): $1,722 Permits and business licenses are issued annually and expire on May 15th. After the initial issuance of the permit and license, it is required to renew the permit and business license within the renewal period of April 25th to May 15th each year. Furthermore, we are aware of policies relating to food truck business as following: Public health oversight of food truck operations The operation of food trucks in public right-of-ways Policy statements pertaining to mobile food vending Economic development programs applicable to food trucks such as financial incentives, social media/technology tools or training Program for encouraging/promoting innovation in food trucks The Food Truck is a Corporation owned by five members. A Corporation Agreement is included to allocate the profits or losses in any ratio agreed to between the partners. Each partner will consult a separate attorney at the outset, and all members should agree on the set terms and conditions of the corporation. We believe that a food truck is a unique business niche; therefore we come up with a mini business review based on our business strategy, competitive landscape analysis, menu fit to consumer demographics, financial performance, management roles and responsibilities, employee qualifications, and community connection. We hope to expand our business to franchise in the next 3 years. However, we also look in consideration if there is an exit scenario for our business during the period or afterward. Because of this, we are focusing our energy on creating a business that buyers will want. We are working on our profitability, competitive edge, sustainability, scalability and corporate culture. In term of selling or passing on our business, we plan to hire the financial, legal tax and business advisor to help shepherd the sale through. This will prevent us from stressful, time-consuming process fraught with moving parts and paperwork. Along with the financial, legal tax and business advisor, we will also find a business broker banker in the area. This will help us to set a realistic asking price and assembling the necessary marketing materials for our business. The broker will discreetly contact potential buyers on our behalf. When it comes to risks, we are looking into the matters with close focus to identify the current and future problems for further analysis and desired actions required to close the gap. There are vehicle risks, operation risks, and liability risks. For vehicle risks, the risks include auto accidents, fire, theft, flood, wind damage, hail damage and electrical breakdowns. These risks can be lessened through education and training. A commercial auto insurance coverage will help to mitigate the cost of damage and loss of operational readiness due to the physical structure of our business. For operator risks, we are faced with slips, falls, cuts, burns, smoke inhalation and back injury from all the heavy lifting that is required during the workload of the day. We are aware that our employees are our biggest asset and can also be our biggest liabilities. It is important to have them well trained for their jobs and duties. Worker’s compensation insurance will be added in their working contracts. For liability risks, food trucks pose liabilities to employees in many ways. Not only that they may hurt themselves during work, they are also at risk of food-related illnesses and auto accidents that are somewhat unique to food trucks. We are carefully considering investing in business insurance for liability, spoilage insurance, business automobile insurance and worker’s compensation in order to adequately cover their bases. We have also analyzed our competitive landscape that includes competitive food trucks, restaurants, and food carts in the regions of Ottawa. This will keep us up to date of the marketplace and our competitors. Beside the risks, we are building up our business strategy: Business physical location is the priority pick. We are in the process of choosing our business location. There are some options such as near office complexes, downtown urban areas, along busy roads, recreation destinations. We also cater private and public events if we can get the contract. Business physical design is an eye-catch for the first sight customers. Keeping the menu simple that customers can read easily Keeping the menu at a degree of flavor familiarity which contain locally grown and allergy free ingredients Charging competitive prices. Budget discounts for bad weather (sales can falls up to 50%) Establishing a regular customer base by providing the same quality food and products Keeping a clean and welcoming business environment Having competent leaders and managers who guide the effort and monitor results Being flexible, with a willingness to re-evaluate based on performance feedback and to make necessary changes throughout the process in order to get the desired results As important as business strategy, marketing techniques are a must in this society of social and network. Using word of mouth Using social media (today’s special, chef tips, social only discounts, online to offline social gatherings), network to advertise our business (email marketing) Investing in business cards Hosting a grand opening event to establish our food truck as a member in the local community Having loyalty program for returning customers (Buy 10 get 1 free) Creating awareness by joining in charity funds Serving for holiday parties We are aware that customer service is the most signification investment that we should pay attention to in our business. We will show people that we love what we do. We will try to maintain a great product for a great price. Bibliography Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2013, April 26). Acts and Regulations. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Canadian Food Inspection Agency: City of Ottawa. (2001-2013). 1.4 Projection Results. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Ottawa: City Of Ottawa. (n.d.). New street food vending program. Retrieved from City of Ottawa. (n.d.). Ottawa’s new street food vending program . Retrieved from Garriguet, D. (2004). Overview of Canadians’ Eating Habits. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Statistics Canada: EMBO Reports: Hadley, C. (2006, November 11). Food allergies on the rise? Determining the prevalence of food allergies, and how quickly it is increasing, is the first step in tackling the problem. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Health Canada. (2012, August 22). Food Allergies and Intolerances. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Health Canada: Industry Canada. (2013, April 2). Canada Small Business Financing Program. Retrieved July 17, 2013, from Industry Canada: Lagorio, C. (2010, May 12). How to Open a (Successful) Food Truck. Retrieved July 17, 2013, from Inc.: Landau, E. (2010, February 19). ‘Exciting’ advance reported in peanut allergy therapy. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from CNN: Mealy, L. (n.d.). Food truck design . Retrieved from Ottawa Citizen. (2010-2013). Specs & Guides: Rate Card. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Ottawa Citizen: Statistics Canada. (2012, June 27). Median total income, by family type, by census metropolitan area . Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Government of Canada: Street Food App. (2011-2013). Ottawa Food Trucks. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Street Food App: Street food ottawa. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tompkins, J. (2013, May 21). quote (Email communication). Ottawa, ON, Canada.
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