Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Indi The Fastest Growing Segment Of The Ites - 1643 Words
Industry Profile: In India, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the fastest growing segment of the ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) industry. Factors such as economy of scale, business risk mitigation, cost advantage; utilization improvement and superior competency have all lead to the growth of the Indian BPO industry. Business process outsourcing in India, which started around the mid-90s, has now grown by leaps and bounds. India is now the world s favored market for BPO companies, among other competitors, such as, Australia, China, Philippines and Ireland. The BPO boom in India is credited to cheap labor costs and India s huge talent pool of skilled, English-speaking professionals. Research by the National Association of Software Services and Companies (NASSCOM) has revealed that quality orientation among leading BPO companies, 24/7 services, India s unique geographic location and the investor friendly tax structure in India have all made the BPO industry in India very popular. The industry has been growing rapidly. The BPO sector in India is estimated to have reached a 54 per cent growth in revenue and The demand for Indian BPO services has been growing at an annual growth rate of 50%. The BPO industry in India has provided jobs for over 74,400 Indians. This number is continuing to grow on a yearly basis. The Indian BPO sector is soon to employ over 1.1 million Indians. 70% of India s BPO industry s revenue is from contact centers, 20% from data
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Role Of Parents Sport Socialization Of Youth - 1310 Words
Research Paper: The Role of Parents in Sport Socialization of Youth Lucas Eckert PSE4UO Introduction Socialization is the process in which an individual becomes a member of society. Parents are the most significant agent in the socialization of their children. They have a tremendous influence on the type of people their children grow up to be. They pass on their beliefs and values to their children and influence their child’s personality and morals. In sports, there is also a process of socialization, in which the individual becomes a part of the athletic community. In this process, parents also posses significant influence over their children (Quinton, 2012). They decide whether or not their children play sports, which sports their children may play, and they can greatly affect their child’s enjoyment and performance in the sport. This influence can either lead to positive or negative effects on the children’s experience with sport. This depends on the level of involvement and the nature of that involvement (Shwarzlose, 2013). The purpose of this p aper is to discuss the ways by which parents influence their child’s process of socialization in sport, and identify the positive and negative effects associated with the different methods. This paper will also provide several case studies of professional athletes and evaluate the parents involvement in the athletes career. Pressure to Participate The most basic form of influence the parent possesses over theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Youth Sports838 Words  | 4 PagesSports, the everyday activity for youth in this generation was said to be emerged in as we rolled into the 20th century. Sport, an entertainment source for all is getting more recognized through organized youth sports. Moreover, over the time sport has become an everyday life routine for many families all over the world. Parents are enrolling their children into various sport activities to give their children an opportunity to learn something new every day. Socialization is very important for a child’sRead MoreSocialization In Sport1091 Words  | 5 PagesSport has a lot of positive avenue not only for socialization, but it can be also for maintaining impact the life of others around you, it is also healthy for you. Sport has impact a lot of people lives, and it help build their confidence and find out who they truly a re as a person. â€Å"The explanation of Socialization is based on a social interaction model, that is organized around a combination or cultural, interactionist, and structural theories†(52). this text from the book explains the impactRead MoreM382 Exam 1study Guide Essays1036 Words  | 5 PagesExam I Study Guide 1. Definition and focus of sport sociology. a. Sociology: interaction between groups and their inherent cultures b. Sport sociology: relationship between sport and society by examining its inherent institutions (race, genders†¦) i. â€Å"Sport is a microcosm of society. It mirrors our culture†(drugs, women, scandal) 2. Definition of the following terms: c. Socialization: The process of interacting with other people and learning social customsRead MoreWithout a doubt, professional athletics has a huge role in today’s society. In the United States,1500 Words  | 6 Pages Without a doubt, professional athletics has a huge role in today’s society. In the United States, sports such as Football and Basketball are among the most popular, and have a vast majority of the highest paid athletes in the world. However, the lack of education required by the professional organizations to participate in such high grossing and high paying fields is shocking. Completion of a college degree is not required, and players make a minimum salary of $500,000, which is $100,000 more thanRead MoreChallenging Traditional Sex Roles : A Comparison1040 Words  | 5 PagesAlexandra Barbera Mrs. Vargas Writing 1010 September 29th 2014 Challenging traditional sex roles: A compare and contrast essay. Throughout history males and females have had distinct physiological differences, however are these innate differences the determining factor for sex roles in society? Authors Katha Pollitt of Why Boys Don’t Play with Dolls and Paul Theroux of Being a Man both take the â€Å"nurture†perspective on this controversial argument. They both make points to prove that the environmentRead More Response to The Damned and the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920s 1408 Words  | 6 PagesPaula Fass’s The Damned and the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920s delves into the social and cultural climate of the 1920’s middle-class youth in America. Fass observes the multidimensional dynamics of the post-World War I society as citizens adjust to pertinent matters such as industrialization, prohibition and immigration. Amidst the ongoing social, political and economical issues of the early twentieth century, youth played an active role in contemporary life. Adolesce nts responded to issuesRead MoreYouth Development1136 Words  | 5 Pages(10m) (a) Authoritative Parenting-2m Parents put maturity demands on youth. Parent use their authority to keep children safe and guide children’s choice. At the same time, also listen to children’s point of view to encourage their input on activity choices within specific bounds. (b) Instrumental Scaffolding-2m Adult give suggestions and cues to youth without teaching directly. When youth worked with an adult, adult often made comments that prompted youth to think about longer-term of the problemRead MoreSocialization Is A Social Learning Process Essay1790 Words  | 8 Pagesthere is a process of socialization where â€Å"individuals acquire thoughts, feelings, and behaviors ‘appropriate’ to their positions in society†(Rohall, Milkie, Lucas, 2014, p. 149). In other words, socialization is a social learning process where one learns how to behave and act accordingly to a specific position that is deemed normal. This process is continuous throughout the life span, and is not limited to only one developmental stage of life. For example, socialization often may begin in childhoodRead MoreDoes Television Affect Social Interaction? Essay1043 Words  | 5 Pageseffects these machines may have on children, social interaction and families. Research has begun to show neg ative consequences of television on children’s development and socialization proving that it does reduce and affect social interaction. Television, the dancing pixels behind a glass screen that have entranced many a youth since its mainstream release in the 1950’s, has evolved into an entity of its own. Most homes have at least one television; many have two or more. In fact, 98.2% of all homesRead MoreChildren and Sports Essay1053 Words  | 5 PagesChildren who participate in sports are developing rapidly in sports skills, sportsmanship, and psychologically, but does this come from organized sports are just nature’s process. Children develop emotional and social benefits from participating in sports. Children experience character and leadership development through peer relations leading to an increase in self-esteem and a decrease in anxiety levels. Children will get opportunities to experience positive and negative emotions throughout their
Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Change For Jane Free Essays
Her name was Jane Hulsebosch. She was my math teacher for fifth and sixth grade. Jane was a tall large woman with black tight curly hair. We will write a custom essay sample on A Change For Jane or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her eyes were brown and beady, like a ferret. She was approximately five feet and eleven inches tall, but to me she seemed much taller. Jane did not stand, she loomed. If she looked over my shoulder while I took one of her labyrinthine exams, it felt like the sword of Damocles swinging over my head. Jane was an extremely heavy woman who was plagued with varicose veins. When I was young, however, it looked like she had beanbags stored under her skin. Jane was a heavy smoker. I could not help but notice the stale smell of smoke on her fingertips as I gingerly approached her desk with a paper to grade. Jane to me was the educational equivalent of terrorism. I was not stupid enough to actually volunteer an answer to her questions. I attempted, like my other poor unfortunate classmates to crawl into a crevice in the floor by keeping my eyes downcast. Silly me. Like a panther circling its prey Jane walked around our classroom. Employing the Socratic Method, she barked questions at me. And I, paralyzed in fear, failed yet again to answer correctly. The woman was an insidious masochist. I know she delighted in terrorizing us. She threw erasers and chalk at us with the precision of a stealth bomber while wailing â€Å"DOPEY!†My morning prayer was that Mrs. Jane Hulsebosch die a long painful death. In my head I painted glorious medieval deaths. My personal favorite fantasy was one where she is disemboweled. My classmates, however, preferred the â€Å"drawn and quartered†method. God it seemed, never answered our prayers. Then one cold damp winter morning it seemed that God did answer me, well sort of. Jane entered the classroom but her gait was unsteady. She smelled like something I had never identified until I was in college. She smelled like a brewery. Her face was swollen, like someone who just got pummeled in the face during a game of dodge ball, but worse. Was that a black and blue that I saw? I did not know, and did not care to draw her attention to the fact that I was staring at her. Quickly, I looked at my textbook and pretended I was reading. A haunted silence filled my classroom. All of us just sat holding our breath. My stomach felt like there was a lead balloon in it. (Indeed, as I write this paper, the feeling sets in.) What did we do? Did we do something so terrible that we rendered her speechless? Did Sean get caught cheating again? After what seemed like hours, two police officers entered our classroom along with the principal. What was happening? Were we being arrested for being bad students like she promised? Was the threat of our behavior going on our â€Å"permanent record†happening now? No. Jane was being led out of our classroom. Suddenly, as she passed my desk I was compelled to look up at her and a tear hit my shoe. Outside, someone was wailing. It was Jane, but it was not the same yelling that she did in class. What was happening? Our principal entered the classroom and told us that he would be teaching us for awhile and that we should all pray for our teacher. Well, we did†¦but not for her return. That night I remember my parents whispering in hushed horrified tones and then calling me into their bedroom to â€Å"discuss something†. I was asked an interminable amount of questions about Jane, the throwing, the yelling and that smell. Jane, they told me was in the hospital. Her husband had been beating her and she had a drinking problem. How to cite A Change For Jane, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Profitability Position Outdoor Adventures-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Analyze and examine the profitability position of the company Outdoor Adventures for the month of March 2018. Answer: Introduction This report undertakes the profitability analysis of Outdoor Adventures for evaluating its performance for the month of March 2018. It also provides suggestions to the company to improve its profitability efficiency on the basis of the performance evaluation. Profitability Evaluation The profitability of the company is attributed to the amount of profits attained by it after meeting the cost of sales and expenses from the total income. The amount of profits realized by the company for the period of March 2018 is $39,935.00. It can be analyzed on the basis of profit and loss statement of the company that its net profits attained is expected to increase in the future period of time. The total income realized by the company for the respective period of time is $72,765.00 with total cost of sales to be $23,680.00 and thus the gross profit attained by the company after meeting the cost of sales is $49,085.00. The net profit of the company is attained by meeting up all the operating expenses of $3,500.00 that includes the expenditure incurred in advertisements, rent, wages from the gross profit. The company has realized good net profit after meeting all its expenses relating to cost of sales and operating expenditure (Drake and Fabozzi, 2012). The statements of the pro fit and loss account developed for the respective period can be demonstrated as follows: Profit and Loss for Outdoor Adventures for the Period Ending 31 March, 2018 Profit Loss 11568869- Outdoor Adventures For the month ended 31 March 2018 Mar-18 Feb-18 Jan-18 Dec-17 YTD Income Sales - Accessories $54,582.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54,582.00 Sales - Clothing $18,183.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,183.00 Total Income $72,765.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $72,765.00 Less Cost of Sales Cost of Sales - Accessories $12,660.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,660.00 Cost of Sales - Clothing $11,020.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,020.00 Total Cost of Sales $23,680.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,680.00 Gross Profit $49,085.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $49,085.00 Less Operating Expenses Advertising $3,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 Rent $1,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,750.00 Wages and Salaries $3,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,900.00 Total Operating Expenses $9,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,150.00 Net Profit $39,935.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,935.00 Profitability Ratio Analysis The profitability ratios analyzes the ability of a company to realize profits through the use of the assets. The profitability position of the company can be evaluated through the calculation of the profitability ratios of gross profit and net profit. Gross Profit Ratio The ratio depicts the revenue realized by the company after meeting the cost of sales from the sales income (Bull, 2007). It depicts the profits realized by the company after meeting the production expenses and can be calculated through the use of following formula: Gross Profit Ratio=Gross Profit/Net Sales Gross Profit Ratio=$49,085.00/$72,765.00 Gross Profit Ratio=0.68 Thus, it can be stated after calculating the gross profit ration fro the respective period that the company is in good financial position as it has higher percentage of gross profit and its cost of sales is maintained at a lower level. Net Profit Ratio The ratio determines the ability of a company to remain profitable after meeting all the operating expenses related to administration and wages (Bull, 2007). The formula used for calculating the net profit ratio is as follows: Net Profit Ratio=Net Income/Total Sales Net Profit Ratio=$39,935.00/$72,765.00 Net Profit Ratio=0.54% The company has maintained a good net profit percentage for the respective period after meeting all its operating expenses successfully. Recommendations The company can improve its profitability position through reducing its production cost incurred in purchase of materials and direct labor. The company is recommended to maintain a long-term relation with suppliers and labor for decreeing the production cost (Wild, 2006) It should also keep a check on its inventory level on a continuous basis to minimize the inventory holding cost and improving the profitability position It is also recommended to improve its operational efficiency through reducing the expenditure related to advertisement and rent It should also emphasizes on improving its sales position through the use of free add-on-sales (Bragg, 2012) Conclusion It can be stated from the profitability analysis of the company that it is currently in a good state of financial position as it is able to realize good profits after meeting all its production and operational expenditures. Reference Bragg, S. 2012. Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide. John Wiley Sons. Bull, R. 2007. Financial Ratios: How to use financial ratios to maximise value and success for your business'. Elsevier. Drake, P. P. and Fabozzi, F. J. 2012. Analysis of Financial Statements. John Wiley Sons. Wild. 2006. Financial Statement Analysis 9E. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Nuclear Waste Essays (528 words) - Radioactive Waste,
Nuclear Waste The United States alone produces an average volume of commercial low-level radioactive waste of about 500,000 cubic feet each year. That is a lot of waste! This comes from a variety of places. Mainly though, it is produced by nuclear power plants. This waste brings up a problem though. It is difficult to dispose of radioactive materials for two reasons. One, some radioactive materials last for thousands of years. Two, most radioactive materials are hazardous and can't be stored with conventional means. Currently, there are a few proposals that have been made to combat this problem. These include near-surface facilities, mined cavities, and geological repositories. In the past, some countries dumped radioactive waste into the sea. This is extremely hazardous to the environment. Recently though, more practical ideas have been made to bury the waste. Before the material is even considered for storage or disposal, it must be properly packaged. This includes packing it into steel drums or concrete containers. These containers are expected to provide physical containment for at least a thousand years. If the waste is in a liquid state, it must be placed on a special abosrbitent type of material and then placed into the containers. The next step would be to transport the containers to the burial site. There are several different types of diposal facilities proposed. One is a near-surface facility. This facility is located within a few tens of meters from the surface. These facilities include trenches, and engineered vaults. Another proposal is mined cavities. These facilities are constructed inside mines and caverns. They are either man-made or natural. The last proposal is called a geological repository. These sites are located more than several hundred meters below the surface in a stable geological formation(away from major fault lines and other problem spots). After the site is located there are other steps in the disposal process. It is proposed that the drums will be placed in groups of four. Around these groups of four a frame will be built. The frames then will be placed inside hard rock holes or caverns. This will then be covered with a special backfill material that prevents the movement of groundwater.A fter all of this is done, the site will be monitored for up to 100 years to detect any leakage of radioactive material or any outside influences such as flooding. There have been problems with past proposals though. These problems were caused mainly by the acceptance of liquid waste. The liquid waste leaked out of it's containers much easier than the solid waste. This waste then contaminated the ground water. In other past proposals, some sites were "lost" and accidentally discovered when construction began in the region. This was due to human error and not structural problems. One other problem also experienced by landfills is the availability of space. There aren't too many places to store radioactive material safely and away from the general population. Also, the sites where it is safe for storage are filling up. At this point in time, the most adequate and logical type of radioactive waste management seems to be burying the material. Although right now it is difficult to see if this method the best available. Only future generations can tell. With further development of the space shuttle program perhaps the method of burying waste will become obsolete.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How To Write Argumentative Essay (Step-by-Step)
How To Write Argumentative Essay (Step-by-Step) How to write a perfect argumentative essay Outline Topics list Tips on writing Writing an argumentative essay involves conducting an in-depth research of a specific topic. Argumentative essays require solid evidence to support your view about the topic. A good argumentative essay entails applying analytical skills to describe the topic.  Any good essay needs to provide a detailed explanation to persuade the reader. Suitable essay topics usually generate strong arguments that support the topic by refuting claims made by other individuals to convince readers. Writing a perfect argumentative essay is requires an extensive research covering all aspects of topic, its important to know the target audience, knowing the target audience will guide the author to carefully select his words avoiding specific terms that might be considered offensive to certain groups of individuals Planning stage The first step of writing a perfect essay is to plan and prepare how the essay would look like.  Planning process entails reviewing different topics to choose a good topic that can generate good arguments. Look through a list of several topics to select the final topic. A good topic should generate two different conflicting views with varied conclusions. After picking the topic, the author can test his topic to analyze if the topic can generate two contrary opinions if subjected to discussion among specific groups. Testing the topic is an important step that helps the author refines his ideas to settle on a topic for the essay. The structure of an argumentative essay Outline If the essay topic supports Why tobacco smoking should be banned, the following outline would guide the author to present a good essay. Introduction Introduce the topic develop a hook and provide a brief background of the topic, for example; Tobacco smoking is the leading causes of death; approximate 5 million die annually. The introduction should be followed by a thesis statement. Tobacco smoking especially public places should be banned. Develop an argument After making a claim that tobacco smoking is the leading the leading cause of death, the author should provide evidence why smoking public should be banned. The author needs to provide at least three evidence supporting his claim by providing statistics or research finding on the topic. The needs to highlight some of the dangers associated with smoking. Refuting other claims In this section, the author should oppose the opponent arguments with substantial evidence to support his viewpoint. Conclusion The conclusion should be the last paragraph at the end of the essay. Conclusion restates the key points discussed. The conclusion should present what would happen if the authors argument is not supported. Argumentative Topics List When introducing the topic to the audience, the writer needs to present the issue at hand by providing the background and also presenting the main argument.  The opening statement needs to be arranged in a logical manner. An argumentative topic should be original and catchy that anybody would want to know more about the discussion. Below are examples of argumentative topics: Is freedom of speech giving people more space for hate speech Dangerous  criminal  deserve death sentences Breastfeeding in public is acceptable Parenting classes should be mandatory for all first-time parents Are there risks of online transactions Why internet censorship is necessary How the current education system is relevant Homeschooling is a basic learning alternative University degree is necessary for future success. Education has been commercialized Drinking age should not be reduced Mothers have more roles in a family Marijuana should not be legalized Good communication is an important element in a relationship Facebook invades our privacy International criminal court is fair in its judgments Academic grading is not helpful Modern art is not real art Abortion  is murder Teaching is the best profession Tips on writing an argumenative essay An argumentative essay body should be presented into three main segments. The first part of the essay body is the topic sentence. A topic sentence introduces the main point of arguments in a coherent sentence. For example, if a topic sentence talks about death penalty being inhuman and should be abolished, the audience know what to expect. The second segment of an argumentative body is a paragraph that analyzes the topic argument. In this paragraph, the writer should state why he supports the claim. The next paragraph needs to provide supportive evidence for the claim. Evidence provides a detailed explanation about the authors claims. The body of an argumentative essay should include a claim and evidence of these claims. Claims are statements used to support the arguments. For example, if the topic is about bugs being nutritious and eating them will minimize hunger and malnutrition. The author needs to support any claim by evidence.  For every claim made the writer needs to support the allegation with concrete evidence. Evidence are factual knowledge from reliable sources that are well researched. For example, when presenting evidence, the statement needs to state that, research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization reveals that termite is rich in protein and other micronutrients essential for our body. It is important to state three different sources of evidence to back the claim. After gathering evidence and supporting the claim, the next step is to oppose the opponent arguments. When writing an argumentative essay, its important to support your arguments also support why you do not agree with claims presented by the opposition. The essay body contains all the relevant information about the topic of discussion with logical explanations from two opposing sides, but the author should present strong points for his counterarguments. After the counterargument, the author needs to state his point of view again providing further evidence about his position. A credible argumentative essay needs to incorporate relevant quotes from approved sources like journals. When using quotes or facts, it important to use credible sources and gives credit to the persons ideas being used in the essay. Argumentative essay is like having a rhetorical situation which requires persuasive language to persuade readers towards a particular direction. Argumentative essay aims at convincing readers based on the authors view. When concluded the essay, it important to state why you support the idea by stating the significance of the topic. The audience needs to be informed about consequences of supporting the authors arguments. The conclusion needs to convince the audience about the topic arguments. Editing and finalizing the paper After writing an essay, editing is important to make the essay look professional. Editing involves checking for spelling mistakes and essay format. Grammar mistakes make a good essay look unprofessional. A well-structured paper with proper grammar and formatting makes the essay credible.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Comparison between Jack Welch and Larry Page for Tracking Out the Dissertation
Comparison between Jack Welch and Larry Page for Tracking Out the Ultimate Leaded - Dissertation Example Two great leaders like Jack Welch and Larry Page has been considered and a comparative study has been performed on their leadership qualities. Jack Welch is considered as the man behind General Electric’s (GE) success story during the period 1980 to 1990. Despite being of young age and having less experience, Welch went on to perform better than his predecessor (Mayo and Nohria, 2005). Larry Page who is quite well known as a manager has made positive contributions towards Google. He created the algorithm known as Page Rank ranking the different existing websites. Google has used this site successfully to publish an order of the sites on the web (JBC on Journal Ranking, 2012). Although leadership and management are distinct concepts, yet they complement each other. Both the concepts play an important role for business growth and prosperity. But as per the current scenario of US Companies’ it is found that there management is excessive for these companies but they lack ab le leaders. A company requires a strong combination of both leadership and management in order to prosper. The ability of a leader lies in accepting upcoming business challenges and in dealing effectively with those challenges in the business world (Kotter, 1990). However leadership goals are mainly ambitious one but the managers set goals as per the needs of the company. Managerial culture has more rationality embedded in it and differs a lot from the culture which leaders bring within their companies. Leadership is known to have more practical implications while managers operate more on the notion of efficiency (Zalzenik, 2004). It has been found for business growth more concentration needs to be placed on the notion of effectiveness rather than efficiency (Drucker, 2006). Companies’ Board of Directors are now in constant search of business leaders to be the CEOs of their companies. They are not content with mere experience of the candidates for eligibility (Khurana, 2002). With this at the backdrop it can be argued that Jack Welch can be considered as a better leader than Larry Page being a business leader rather with the technical background like Page. The paper intends to support such an argument by making a comparison of the leadership qualities of Jack Welch and Larry Page for tracing out the more able and ultimate leader among both of them thereby taking a look at the background of the two great leaders. In recent times the established business schools running the MBA courses are entrusted with the job of selecting those candidates who have the capability of becoming able mangers in the future. Such a selection of applicants is done by testing their leadership qualities. High marks in GMAT are not considered as the sole indicator of managerial skills (Training Mangers not MBAs, n.d., p.81). Business schools are criticized if they fail in creating able leaders. Without leadership qualities the business schools may not be able to come up with grad uates who have real managerial potentials and can do well in corporate sector. Such a failure may be considered equivalent to a crisis arising in management study. Such MBA graduates in future may assume high positions in management of business schools and for this leadership qualities are essential (Bennis and O’Toole, 2005). The main objectives of businesses are to obtain fruitful outcomes. An organization’
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Review of a school discipline policy Assignment
Review of a school discipline policy - Assignment Example There is common conformity in literature associated with the management of challenging actions that the basis ought to be the endorsement of constructive behavior. Conventionally, behavior standards in school were frequently characterized by what was not tolerable, and punitive approaches concentrated on the endorsements available to implement regulations and penalize intolerable actions (Dwyer, 2003). This paper attempts to provide teachers with some direction as to how to execute effectual methods of endorsing constructive behavior, however, also how to cope with behavior which critically damages a few children’s capability to gain from education. It as well aims to direct teachers’ reactions to a range of actions in a way which will institute more suitable behavior instead. It might be mainly useful to recently eligible teachers, who time and again find the behavior management to be the most testing element of their occupations. It might also be useful to school employees who desire to support dialogue and collaboration on the subject of behavior. There is no commonly established description of challenging behavior. Behaviour is described as tolerable or intolerable in a societal context, and is as well shaped by the wider milieu wherein people relate with one another. In common terms, tutors acknowledge that challenging actions in the school context includes actions that: meddles with the student’s individual and/or other students’ learning; challenges the everyday operation of the school; dares the right of employees and students to a secure and organized environment; contains a period, regularity, intensity or pushiness that is away from the ordinary array of what schools stand; and is less probable to be receptive to the normal assortment of involvements employed by the school for student misconduct (O’Mahoney, 2003). These consist of: violent behavior, which
Monday, November 18, 2019
Concept tools Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Concept tools - Assignment Example In the present study, clinical judgment will be measured by measuring how nurses notice certain data on the patient, how they make sense of the data, and how they intervene in the patient’s issue. An effective measuring tool for clinical judgment that will be employed in the current study is Tanner’s Clinical Judgment tool. In this study, the tool will be used in a pre and posttest design for using clinical judgment in employing JNC guidelines in treating hypertension. Its validity, which is the other thing that makes it suitable for the current study, is underpinned by its wide use in different studies. The results of the tool are credible and this is seen in the reliability of the results of the studies that employed it previously. A limitation with Tanner’s Clinical Judgment model is that it might not capture some aspects of a patient’s condition (Modic, 2013). In summary, Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model is the appropriate tool to use in the current study because it conceptualizes clinical judgment holistically and does not have many limitations that would hinder its accuracy. The tool has been validated by multiple studies. Ashcraft, A., Opton, L., Bridges, R., Caballero, S., Veesart, A. & Weaver, C. (2013). Simulation Evaluation Using a Modified Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(2):
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Growth Hormone In Tooth Development Health And Social Care Essay
Growth Hormone In Tooth Development Health And Social Care Essay Tooth development is the process where teeth are formed from the developing tooth bud, growing and maturing until it erupts into the mouth. This process is known as odontogenesis. There are several stages to odontogenesis which include the development of the tooth bud and the formation of hard tissue (Thesleff 2006). Within this paper, I will be discussing whether growth hormone has an effect on the development of the tooth bud and formation of hard tissue (in particular enamel and dentine formation). Growth hormone (GH) is produced by the pituitary gland, which is stimulated or inhibited by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin respectively in the hypothalamus. GH stimulates the liver, for the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) (Laron et al citied by Laron Z. 2001); this has an effect on bones (particularly long bones) and muscles and other tissue growth. Gotz el al (2006) says that IGFs are growth factors controlling pre- and post natal development and growth processes. Furthermore, IGF-1 and GH are able to induce bone morpogenic proteins (BMP) messenger RNA (mRNA), in particular BMP-2 and 4 mRNA(Li et al 1998). The study that was carried out showed that GH and IGF-1 increased the production of BMP-2 mRNA by up to 5-fold and BMP-4 mRNA by up to 4-fold. In the developing tooth bud, there are four main stages; these include: the bud stage, the cap stage, the bell stage and crown stage. Figure 1: A schematic drawing of the bud stage the arrow shows the formation of the tooth bud (tb) within the dental lamina (dl) where dental mesenchyme (dm) has condensed around the tooth bud (Adapted from Joseph et al 1994) dl dm The bud stage is the tooth bud appearance, however, there is no arrangement of the cells figure 1 illustrates this stage showing that this stage is just a group of cells by the dental lamina. Li and colleagues (1998) carried out a study which showed that BMP-4 mRNA was present in the dental epithelium during this stage until the cap stage. This suggests that BMP-4 is needed for the cells so that they are able to combine and form the dental papilla from this unorganised arrangement. In addition to this, GH and its receptor was reported to be involved in allow process like induction, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, cellular proliferation (Zhang et al 1997). The study was able to show that GH was present at embryonic day 17/18 in the rat, which represents the bud stage of odontogenesis in the rat. However, a study conducted by Zhang and colleagues (1992) brought up a very important point. This being that the pituitary gland is still forming when tooth bud formation occurs. Thus, if the gland is still forming, GH would not be able to play a role during the bud stage. Therefore, it is possible that a GH-like molecule might be involved during the bud stage; however, it has not been confirmed. The cap stage is when ectomesenchymal cells combine and become the dental papilla. Additionally, the tooth bud begins to grow around the ectomesenchymal cells, combine producing a cap appearance and becomes the dental (or enamel) organ. Eventually the dental papilla will produce dentine (and pulp) and the enamel organ will produce enamel. It is shown that during the cap stage numerous cells of the dental epithelium and mesenchyme were intensely immunoreactive for GH (Zhang et al 1997). This suggests that GH is involved in the formation of the enamel organ and dental papilla, which are needed to form enamel and dentine respectively. Furthermore, studies (Joseph et al 1994) found out that GH receptors were Figure 2: A schematic drawing of the late cap stage showing the dental follicle (df) containing the dental/enamel organ and dental papilla (dp). The dental/enamel organ is starting to differentiate into the outer dental epithelium (ode) and inner dental epithelium (ide). (Adapted fro m Joseph et al 1994) dp expressed in the epithelium (where the enamel organ is located) and also in ectomesenchymal cells (where the dental papilla is located). Thus, showing that the receptors for GH are present indicating that GH is able to activate the receptors which are needed to activate the cells. This evidence both support the idea that GH is needed for the differentiation of ectomesenchymal cells to form the dental papilla and dental organ. Figure Figure 3: A schematic drawing of the bell stage: Differentiation of the dental/enamel organ and dental papilla (dp) occurs. The enamel oragn differentiates into the outer dental epithelium (ode), inner dental epithelium (ide), stellate reticulum (sr) and stellate intermedium (si). The dental papilla differentiates into the outer and central mesenchymal cells of the dental/enamel organ. The bell stage (named because the dental organ is shaped as a bell) is when histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation of the dental papilla and enamel organ take place. Joseph and his colleagues (1994) showed that in the early period of the bell stage, there is growth of the dental organ, as cubical inner epithelium differentiates into columnar cells. Additionally, immunoreacitivity for GH receptor/binding protein found that the outer and inner enamel epithelium and stratum intermedium were positive, signifying that the growth hormone receptor is involved in the differentiation of the enamel organ. This in turn allows the inner enamel epithelium to differentiate into ameoblasts, outer enamel epithelium to provide a protective barrier during enamel production and finally, stratum intermedium is needed for enamel production to occur. However, the dental papilla and stellate reticulum were negative for immunoreactivity of GH receptor/binding protein. This suggests that dental papil la does not need GH to differentiate nor does the stellate reticulum which is needed as support for enamel production. The tables below (table 1 and 2) summarises the immunoreactivity expression of growth hormone at various stages of tooth development, including the bud and cap stage. It is clearly shown that in the stages for developing tooth germ, GH, its receptor and binding protein are expressed in various cells throughout the stages. Table : Immunoreactivity expressed in the epithelium of a embryonic rat mandible showing the presence of GH, GH receptor and GH binding protein during embryonic day 17, 16, 20/21 and post natal day 9. The results are recorded show the intensity of the expression: +++ STRONG, ++ MODERATE, + MILD +/- EQUIVOCAL (Zhang et al 1997) Table 2: Immunoreactivity expressed in the mesenchyme of a embryonic rat mandible showing the presence of GH, GH receptor and GH binding protein during embryonic day 17, 16, 20/21 and post natal day 9. The results are recorded show the intensity of the expression: +++ STRONG, ++ MODERATE, + MILD +/- EQUIVOCAL (Zhang et al 1997)The finally stage of the developing tooth bud is the crown (or maturation) stage. This is when the hard tissue (enamel and dentine) start to develop. Thus, the inner enamel epithelial cells start to change shape and differentiate into ameloblasts and the dental papilla changes in both size and shape and differentiate into odontoblasts to form dentine. This leads to the two processes commonly known as amelogenesis (formation of enamel) and dentinogenesis (formation of dentine). Symons et al (2000) showed that there immunoreactivity of the IGF-1 receptor present during the maturation of the ameloblasts. Thus, it indicates that IGF-1 (via its receptor) is involved during amelogenesis. This shows that IGF-1 is needed for the ameloblasts to remove organic material and water (Nanci et al 1987), with increased flux of calcium and phosphate ions (Borke et al 1993) Caviedes-Bucheli et al (2009) study was investigating real time PCR in mouse pulp cultures. The found out that IGF-1 can enhance the mineralisation of enamel ( dentine). The way it was able to do this was by inducing expressions of specific genes (Caton et al 2005) In addition to is, Caton et al (2005) was investigating the effect that IGF-1 would have on tooth development in vitro. The results showed that the samples treated with IGF-1 had an increased enamel extracellular matrix, when compared to the control samples. This shows that there is increased enamel and dentine when IGF-1 was present, indicating that IGF-1 has a positive effect on the enamel and dentine formation. The majority of the studies show the presence of GH and its receptor within cells. Smid and colleagues (2007) carried out an experiment when mouse molar teeth had a GH deficiency. The results shows that when there is a deficiency the crown dimensions were affected as the total crown area and the mesiodistal width at the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) was significantly smaller, when compared to when GH was present. This indicates that GH is needed to ensure growth of the tooth enamel and dentine, and when there is a deficiency, it affected the size of molar teeth. Crown formation is finished when the inner enamel epithelium and outer enamel epithelium forms a double layers of HERS. This starts to proliferate apically and starts root morphogenesis. Yamashiro et al (2003) found out that BMP-2, -3, -4 and -7 were expressed during root formation and was associated with the differentiation of hard tissues. In particular, BMP-4 and -7 were expressed in ameloblasts which indicate that they are needed for formation of enamel. Furthermore, expression of BMP-4 was also noted in cementoblasts which is needed for the production of primary acellular cementum and secondary cellular cementum (where acellular cementum is found on the cervical third and middle of the roots and attaches to principle fibres in the periodontal ligament and cellular cementum is located on the apical third of the root Cho Grant 2000 citied in Yamashiro et al 2003). The purpose of the cementum, which is a thin layer of mineralised tissue, is to attach the periodontal ligament in the gingiva to the surface of the root (Smid et al 2004) One of the final stages of tooth development is the eruption of the tooth. Studies were carried out on rat incisor teeth which showed that when the incisor tooth erupted, IGF-1 was expressed in the odontoblasts and ameloblasts, as well as its receptor (Joseph et al 1993, 1994, 1996 citied in Fukunaga et al 2008). Thus the evidence suggests that IGF-1 is needed during the final stages of the amelogenesis and dentinogenesis. A major limitation within the researching of the papers was the fact that experiments and studies were carried out on rat teeth. Thus, there teeth are not the same to human teeth. Moreover, a small proportion of the papers were based on human teeth, were the study was carried out on teeth belonging to people with a defect (for example Fukunaga et al 2008 had their study carried out on a patient with leprechaunism). However, from researching the papers, it is evident that GH or GH-like molecules (like IGF-1 and BMP 2 and 4) are present within the different stages of odontogenesis, depicts the lack of information relating to human teeth. Evidence has shown that expression during various stages of tooth development. Furthermore, when there is a deficiency of GH, there are changes within the tooth structure when erupted. Thus, I can conclude that GH does play a role in tooth development, in particular during the tooth germ stages, amelogenesis and dentinogenesis. However, more research n eeds to be conducted to clearly show GH expression and its role in human teeth during its development pre and postnatal.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Future of VoIP Technology Essay -- essays research papers
Future of VoIP Technology VoIP is a relatively new technology and so the benefits are just beginning to be realized. VoIP technology has the ability to completely change the telephone industry as we know it. Big changes are in store for the way we use telephones and this section will address some of the changes to expect. Obstacles still stand in the way of progression and there are problems that need to be addressed before this technology can take over. Individuals have some great things to look forward to. Many already communicate over the internet for free (not including ISP cost) in a simple fashion by chat rooms, instant messaging, and email. Some are already using VoIP to replace their current telephone provider due to the lower costs available. Almost everyone in the United States has a cell phone that connects wirelessly to cellular networks located in nearly every city. Wireless internet is becoming rapidly mainstream now and this offers new opportunity for VoIP technology. New pocket PC phones are being developed to incorporate support for Wi-Fi as well as cellular networks. These phones will be able to switch from the users Wi-Fi connection to cellular networks and visa versa on the fly. Currently phone calls are directed to a location, but in the future phone calls will be directed to a person. Phone service will switch totally to VoIP once Wi-Fi networks are available to the extent of current cellular networks. Businesses are already currently reaping the bene...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Human Rights and Food Security
A PAPER ON: ‘Human rights and food security’ _______________________________________ PRESENTED BY: SHASHANKA KUMAR NAG LL. M- THIRD SEMESTER HIDAYATULLAH NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY RAIPUR, CHHATTISGARH Address: Shashanka Kumar Nag LL. M (Third Semester) Boys Hostel, B- Block, Room No. F-32 Hidayatullah National law University Uparwara Post, Abhanpur New Raipur – 493661 (C. G. ) Mobile: 09804513485, 08817104782 E-mail- [email protected] com DECLARATION I declare that the work submitted by me for this seminar is a result of my own effort.I affirm that there is no plagiarism and copying, either partially or entirely, from someone else's works, without giving proper credit and acknowledgement to the source(s)/author(s). INTRODUCTION â€Å"There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. †Mahatma Gandhi Human rights are commonly understood as â€Å"inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherent ly entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are thus conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone). These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law. The doctrine of human rights in international practice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the policies of states and in the activities of non-governmental organizations, has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world.Many of the basic ideas that animated the human rights movement developed in the aftermath of the Second World War and the atrocities of The Holocaust, culminating in the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The ancient world did not possess the concept of universal human rights. Ancient societies had â€Å"elaborate systems of duties†¦ conceptions of justice, political legitimacy, and human flourishing that sought to realize human dignity, flourishing, or well-being entirely independent of human rights†.The modern concept of human rights developed during the early Modern period, alongside the European secularization of Judeo-Christian ethics. The true forerunner of human rights discourse was the concept of natural rights which appeared as part of the medieval Natural law tradition that became prominent during the Enlightenment with such philosophers as John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, and Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, and featured prominently in the political discourse of the American Revolution and the French Revolution.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, partly in response to the atrocities of World War II. Although the UDHR was a non-binding resolution, it is now considered by some to have acquired the force of international customary law which may be invoked in appropriate circumstances by nati onal and other judiciaries. The UDHR urges member nations to promote a number of human, civil, economic and social rights, asserting these rights as part of the â€Å"foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. The declaration was the first international legal effort to limit the behaviour of states and press upon them duties to their citizens following the model of the rights-duty duality. The right to food, and its variations, is a human right protecting the right for people to feed themselves in dignity, implying that sufficient food is available, that people have the means to access it, and that it adequately meets the individual's dietary needs. The right to food protects the right of all human beings to be free from hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.The right to food does not imply that governments have an obligation to hand out free food to everyone who wants it, or a right to be fed. However, if people are deprived of access to food for reasons beyond thei r control, for example, because they are in detention, in times of war or after natural disasters, the right requires the government to provide food directly. Right to Food and right to be free from hunger are the human rights which are protected under various international human rights and humanitarian laws.Right to food is explicitly mentioned in the Article 25(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948; and the Article 11 of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966. It is also recognised in the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Right to food of indigeneous people is implicit in the ILO Convention No-169 which is approved by 17 countries. Approximately 20 countries in the world have incorporated the Right to Food for their people. THE CONCEPT OF FOOD SECURITYWorld Development Report (1986) defined food security as â€Å"access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. According to Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the UNO, â€Å"Food security exists when all people at all times have access to sufficient and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy life. †Staatz (1990) defined food security as â€Å"The ability to assure, on a long term basis, that the food system provides the total population access to a timely, reliable and nutritionally adequate supply of food. Thus food security may be of short-term or sustainable. In case of short-term food security we consider food security of the present population only. But in case of sustainable food security we consider the food security not only of the present generation but also of the future generation as well. According to Swaminathan, â€Å"Sustainable food security means enough food for everyone at present plus the ability to provide enough food in future as well. †In the long-run sustainable food security is very important. ELEMENTS OF FOOD SECURITY Food security is a state of being.Like literacy or good health, food security is a state that everyone wants to enjoy. Governments have decreed that every person has an inalienable right to food. The fundamental purpose of economic activity is to ensure adequate access to food for oneself and one’s family. The primacy of food security as an objective for human activity is reflected in the frequency with which the term â€Å"food security†appears in UN declarations and NGO advocacy efforts. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture acknowledges the legitimacy of food security concerns.South Africa, Brazil and Norway have all enshrined the right to food in law. There are basically three principle elements of Food Security. These are: Supply: Global food production has by and large kept up with or exceeded demand over the past century. The application of new technologies to agriculture, including mechanized vehicles to till, plant and harvest crops; improved seed and breeding stock; and the use of herbicides, pesticides and inorganic fertilizers, has vastly increased productivity.At the same time , one third or more of agricultural land used to be dedicated to growing fuel (wood to burn) or feed for the animals that provide muscle for transportation and production (hay for horses and oxen). Much of that land is now available to grow food for humans instead, adding to the total overall supply. Distribution: Distribution depends on such things as markets, transportation, infrastructure, relative purchasing power and the source and nature of the supply.Where the food is traded commercially , the volume and type of food traded is related to purchasing power and the ease with which the trader can reach a market. Access: Food security is about individuals , families and communities, not about regional and national aggregates. That is why, supply is only one piece of the food security puzzle. Only rarely does a whole country face hunger or famine. Rather, when the food supply is insufficient, those with greater purchasing power get food while those without sufficient income or entitlement go hungry.CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS FOR ENSURING FOOD SECURITY In India there is a deeply rooted tradition of respect for food – it stresses the importance of growing and sharing food. Sharing or offering food is a universal tradition shared by all religious entities that have roots in the Indian soil. Accordingly, in 1950, India adopted a very progressive Constitution aimed at ensuring all its citizens social, economic and political justice, equality, and dignity. Therefore any law to be valid in Indian Territory must be within the constitutional framework.Like in many countries of the World the â€Å"The Right to Food†in Indian Constitution is not recognized as a â€Å"Fundamental Right†. Therefore, there is no constitutional m andate to have a claim over it. Regarding right to food, one has to look for relevance in Article 21 of the Constitution, entitled â€Å"Protection of life and personal liberty†and Article 47 â€Å"Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living [†¦]†as well as in judicial interventions of the Supreme Court and various Acts, which have cumulatively strengthened the right to food in India.Knowing the constitutional and legislative framework in India regarding the right to food is crucial for identifying right to food violations and supporting victims in realizing their right to food. Indian Constitution Part III, Article 21 â€Å"Protection of life and personal liberty – No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except to procedure established by law. †The phrases â€Å"Protection of life†and â€Å"personal liberty†have called several times for interpretation. A series of judicial inter ventions and interpretations have deepened the normative content of this fundamental right.Indian Constitution Part IV: Directive Principles The right to food or in general the economic, social, and cultural rights are defined in Part IV of the Constitution as Directive Principles of State Policy, which are guidelines to the central and State Governments for framing laws and policies. The provisions are not enforceable by any court, but the principles laid down therein are considered as fundamental in the Governance of the country. There are several Articles under the Directive Principles offer remote relevance for the right to food, but the clearest statement regarding the right to food is provided by Article 47.Article 47: Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health. The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and, in particular, the State shall endeavor to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs, which are injurious to health.Putting together Article 21 and 47 and various interpretations of the Supreme Court of one can safely say that the Government of India has a constitutional obligation to take appropriate measures to ensure a dignified life with adequate food for all citizens. The right to food can be regarded as a fundamental right by virtue of interpretation. NATIONAL MEASURES TO ENSURE FOOD SECURITY There has been a continous appeal to the Government for passing a legislation on food security.The government is likely to accept most of the recommendations of Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) on the proposed food security law despite warnings that the suggestions would add to subsidy burden, increase dependence on imports and distort the country's food economy. The food ministry has s et out plans that are in line with the NAC's proposal to widen the scope of the legislation, which seeks to provide legal guarantee of subsidised grains to the poor.Several experts have warned that the NAC recommendations would force the government to substantially raise its grain procurement, which in turn would lead to a larger subsidy burden on its already stretched finances. The council had proposed legal subsidised food entitlements for at least 72% of the country's population in Phase-I by 2011-12. The NAC had also proposed legal subsidised food entitlements for 75% of the country's population, covering the ‘priority' (below the poverty line) and ‘general' (above the poverty line) households, in Phase-II by 2013-14. National Food Security Bill, 2011The government has introduced the much anticipated National Food Security Bill  a legislation aimed at shoring up the UPA's support base  in Parliament. The â€Å"landmark social legislation†will guarantee grain at extremely cheap rates to more than half of the population. Food minister KV Thomas, who introduced the bill in the Lok Sabha amid thumping of desks by Congress members led by party president Sonia Gandhi, said that it would ensure that all Indians â€Å"live a life with dignity†. The bill marks a shift in approach to the problem of food security  from the current welfare paradigm to a rights-based approach.The proposed legislation confers eligible beneficiaries the legal right to receive grain at highly subsidised prices. The National Food Security Bill, 2011, considered to be the world's largest experiment in ensuring food security to poor, has been a key project of Congress president Sonia Gandhi. The bill brings under its purview 63. 5% of the country's population â€â€75% of rural households and 50% of urban households. The bill classifies all entitled households as â€Å"general†and â€Å"priority†. At least 46% of rural house holds and 28% of urban households would be designated as â€Å"priority†.Every person belonging to a â€Å"priority household†will be provided with 7kg of grain per month, comprising rice, wheat and coarse grain. Rice will be provided at Rs 3, wheat at Rs 2 and coarse grain at Rs 1 per kg. Others belonging to the â€Å"general category†would be entitled to not less than 3kg of grain per month at a rate not exceeding 50% of the minimum support price. Once passed, the food subsidy bill is expected to rise to Rs 95,000 crore. Initial estimates pegged the increase in subsidy at nearly Rs 28,000 crore.However, on Thursday, the government made a downward revision of the additional burden on the central government  between R 21,000 crore to R 23,000 crore. The bill's financial memorandum estimates the total annual expenditure on food subsidy under the targeted public distribution system at about Rs 79,800 crore. â€Å"The estimate of food subsidy is however dependent, among other things, upon economic cost, central issue of price of grain, number of beneficiaries covered and quantities of grain allocated and lifted, and therefore subject to change with changes in any or all of the variables affecting food subsidy,†the memorandum states.Experts maintain that the annual increase would be to the tune of Rs 27,500 crore. However, Thomas said â€Å"an additional amount of not more than about Rs 20,000-21,000 crore annually would be required by way of subsidy. †The minister argued since the food bill merges many ongoing programmes meant for women, children and the poor, there would be no additional financial burden. The total financial liability to implement the law is expected to be Rs 3. 5 lakh crore, with funds being required to raise agriculture production, create storage space and publicity.A sum of roughly Rs 1,11,000 crore would be required to boost farm output with grain requirement increasing, on account of this inter vention, from 55 million tonne to 61 million tonne annually. Thomas stressed that â€Å"this Rs 1,10,600 crore is not an additional burden. We need to invest in agriculture to boost production anyway†. The proposed law entitles every pregnant woman and lactating mother to meal free of cost during pregnancy and six months after childbirth. Cash benefits of Rs 1,000 per month to meet increased food requirements of pregnant women would be provided for the first six months of pregnancy.At Rs 1,000 per month and covering 2. 25 crore women, an expenditure of nearly Rs 13,500 crore has been estimated. This will be borne by the central government and the states. Schemes to Ensure Food Security: There are also certain central food schemes and other assistance programmes for the poor in India. These are: * Targeted Public Distribution System; * Antyodaya Anna Yojana; * Mid-day meal scheme; * Annapoorna Yojana; * Integrated Child Development Services; * National family benefit scheme; * National maternity benefit scheme; and National old age pension scheme. The Public Distribution System (PDS) Public Distribution System (PDS) is an Indian food security system. Established by the Government of India under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution and managed jointly with state governments in India, it distributes subsidised food and non-food items to India's poor. Major commodities distributed include staple food grains, such as wheat, rice, sugar, and kerosene, through a network of Public distribution shops (PDS) established in several states across the country.Food Corporation of India, a Government-owned corporation, procures, maintain and issue food grains to the state. Distribution of food grains to poor people throughout the country are managed by state governments. As of date there are about 4. 99 lakh Fair Price Shops (FPS) across India. Annapoorna Yojana This scheme was started by the government in 1999-2000 to provide food to senior citi zens who cannot take care of themselves and are not under the targeted public distribution system (TPDS), and who have no one to take care of them in their village.This scheme would provide 10 kg of free food grains a month for the eligible senior citizens. The allocation for this scheme as off 2000-01 was Rs 100 crore. Antyodaya Anna Yojana Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) is an Indian government sponsored scheme for ten millions of the poorest families. It was launched by NDA government in December 2000. It is on the lookout for the ‘poorest of the poor' by providing them 35 kilos of rice and wheat at Rs. 2 per kg. Mid-Day Meals Scheme The Midday Meal Scheme is the popular name for school meal programme in India which started in the 1960s.It involves provision of lunch free of working days. The key objectives of the programme are: protecting children from classroom hunger, increasing school enrollment and attendance, improved socialization among children belonging to all caste s, addressing malnutrition, and social empowerment through provision of employment to women. The scheme has a long history, especially in the state of Tamil Nadu. The scheme was introduced statewide by the then Chief Minister K. Kamaraj in the 1960s and later expanded by the M. G. Ramachandran government in 1982.It has been adopted by most Indian states after a landmark direction by the Supreme Court of India on November 28, 2001. The success of this scheme is illustrated by the tremendous increase in the school participation and completion rates in Tamil Nadu. Status of the Food Schemes in India The framework of the right to food is one of the basic economic and social rights that are essential to achieve the â€Å"economic democracy†without which political democracy is , at best, incomplete. The right to food is nowhere being realized in India.The schemes introduced by the Government are well designed, yet their implementation has been poor. In India, food security exists at the macro level in terms of physical access to food. Economic access is far from satisfactory, both at the micro as well as the macro level. The statement that economic access to food is far from satisfactory is confirmed by the fact that a significant proportion of the society lives in poverty and is malnourished. This section of the society is underprivileged and has less voice. INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS TO ENSURE FOOD SECURITYThe right to food imposes on all States obligations not only towards the persons living on their national territory, but also towards the populations of other States. These two sets of obligations complement one another. The right to food can only be fully realized where both ‘national’ and ‘international’ obligations are complied with. CONSTITUTION OF FAO, 1965 Preamble The Nations accepting this Constitution, being determined to promote the common welfare by furthering separate and collective action on their part for the purpos e of: raising levels of nutrition and standards of living†¦ and thus†¦ nsuring humanity's freedom from hunger. WORLD FOOD SUMMIT PLAN OF ACTION, 1996 Commitment Seven We will implement, monitor and follow-up this Plan of Action at all levels in cooperation with the international community. Objective 7. 4 To clarify the content of the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other relevant international and regional instruments, and to give particular attention to implementation and full and progressive realization of this right as a means of achieving food security for all.To this end, governments, in partnership with all actors of civil society, will, as appropriate: a. Make every effort to implement the provisions of Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Covenant) and relevant provisions of other i nternational and regional instruments; b. Urge States that are not yet Parties to the Covenant to adhere to the Covenant at the earliest possible time; c. Invite the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to give particular attention to this Plan of Action in the framework of its activities and to continue to monitor the mplementation of the specific measures provided for in Article 11 of the Covenant; d. Invite relevant treaty bodies and appropriate specialized agencies of the UN to consider how they might contribute, within the framework of the coordinated follow-up by the UN system to the major international UN conferences and summits, including the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna 1993, within the scope of their mandates, to the further implementation of this right; e.Invite the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in consultation with relevant treaty bodies, and in collaboration with relevant specialized agencies and programmes of the UN system and appropri ate intergovernmental mechanisms, to better define the rights related to food in Article 11 of the Covenant and to propose ways to implement and realize these rights as a means of achieving the commitments and objectives of the World Food Summit, taking into account the possibility of formulating voluntary guidelines for food security for all. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, 1948Article 25 Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food†¦ INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS, 1966 Article 11 1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food.  · The States Parties will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international cooperation based on free consent. 2.The States Parties to the present Covenant, recognizing the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, shall take, individually and through international cooperation, the measures, including specific programmes, which are needed: a. To improve methods of production, conservation and distribution of food by making full use of technical and scientific knowledge, by disseminating knowledge of the principles of nutrition and by developing or reforming agrarian systems in such a way as to achieve the most efficient development and utilization of natural resources; b.Taking into account the problems of both food-importing and food-exporting countries, to ensure an equitable distribution of world food supplies in relation to need. Article 2 1. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take steps, individually and through international assistance and cooperation, especially economic and technical, to the maximum of its available resources, with a view to achieving progressively the fu ll realization of the rights recognized in the present Covenant by all appropriate means, including particularly the adoption of legislative measures.UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, 1989 Article 24 1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to health care services. 2. States Parties shall pursue full implementation of this right and, in particular, shall take appropriate measures: c. o combat disease and malnutrition, including within the framework of primary health care, through, inter alia, the application of readily available technology and through the provision of adequate nutritious foods. d. to ensure that all segments of society, in particular parents and children, are informed, have access to education and are suppor ted in the use of basic knowledge of child health and nutrition. Article 27 States Parties, in accordance with national conditions and within their means†¦ shall in case of need provide material assistance and support programmes, particularly with regard to nutrition.Apart from these the Right to Food has also been recognized in many specific international instruments as varied as the 1948 Genocide Convention (Article 2), the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Articles 20 and 23), the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles 24(2)(c) and 27(3)), the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Articles 12(2)), or the 2007Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Articles 25(f) and 28(1)). JUDICIAL INTERPRETATIONS 1.KISHEN PATTNAYAK VS. STATE OF ORISSA, In this petition, the petitioner wrote a letter to the Supreme Court bringing to the court’s notice the extreme pover ty of the people of Kalahandi in Orissa where hundreds were dying due to starvation and where several people were forced to sell their children. The letter prayed that the State Government should be directed to take immediate steps in order to ameliorate this miserable condition of the people of Kalahandi. This was the first case specifically taking up the issue of starvation and lack of food.In this judgement, the Supreme Court took a very pro-government approach and gave directions to take macro level measures to address the starvation problem such as implementing irrigation projects in the state so as to reduce the drought in the region, measures to ensure fair selling price of paddy and appointing of a Natural Calamities Committee. None of these measures actually directly affected the immediate needs of the petitioner, i. e. to prevent people from dying of hunger. More importantly, the Supreme Court did not recognise the specific Right to Food within this context of starvation. . PUCL VS. UNION OF INDIA, This is a landmark case relating to Right to Food and food security. This case, technically known as â€Å"PUCL vs Union of India and others (Writ Petition [Civil] No. 196 of 2001)†, is handled by an advisory group consisting of a few members from the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Human Rights Law Network (HRLN), former support group of the RIght to Food Campaign and other active individuals in the campaign. Supreme Court hearings have been held at regular intervals since April 2001, and the case has attracted wide national and international attention.Although the judgment is still awaited, significant â€Å"interim orders†have been passed from time to time. For instance, the Supreme Court has passed orders directing the Indian government to: (1) introduce cooked mid-day meals in all primary schools, (2) provide 35 kgs of grain per month at highly subsidized prices to 15 million destitute households under the Antyodaya component of the PDS, (3) double resource allocations for Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (India's largest rural employment programme at that time, now superseded by the Employment Guarantee Act), and (4) universalize the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). . CHAMELI SINGH VS. STATE OF U. P. , In this case, it was held that right to life guaranteed in any civilized society implies the right to food, water, decent environment, education, medical care and shelter. The method in which the constitutional social rights or the DPSP have been enforced or made justifiable by the Supreme Court has been through an expansion of the existing fundamental rights, particularly the Right to Life guaranteed in Article 21. CONCLUSION Starvation deaths and high prevalence of hunger clearly show that India needs to wake up.The judiciary cannot monitor the implementation of the schemes forever. The government needs to review policy from time to time and take corrective measures for effective implementa tion of different schemes and programmes, establish effective mechanisms of accountability and ensure the right to food for all. As the problem of food insecurity relates to both the demand and supply of food, a solution could be to empower people towards greater purchasing power, as well as addressing the inadequacy of the distribution system, and checking corruption and leakages.Awareness among the people with regard to their right to food can escalate the process of equitable distribution and thus help to realize the right to food for all citizens. The right to food is not just a basic human right, it is also a basic human need. It essentially requires the state to ensure that at least people do not starve. Implementation of the right to food does not imply that impossible efforts be undertaken by the states. The obligation to protect and respect the people compels the state to implement the right to food effectively, without recourse to extensive financial means. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 2 ]. Food Crisis and Sustainable Food Security in India by Jaydeb Sarkhel [ 3 ]. Right to Food- Reforms and Approaches, 2007, The Icfai University Press, pp5-6 [ 4 ]. Dev, S. M, and R Evenson (2003) ‘Rural Development in India:Rural, Non-farm and mitigation’ SCID Working Paper No. 187. [ 5 ]. See available at http://socialissuesindia. wordpress. com/2010/08/05/human-rights-to-food-in-indian-constitution/ [ 6 ]. See available at http://articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/2011-05-23/news/29574365_1_nac-recommendations-food-security-law-food-entitlements [ 7 ]. See available at http://articles. economictimes. ndiatimes. com/2011-12-23/news/30550903_1_food-subsidy-national-food-security-bill-grain [ 8 ]. Right to Food- Reforms and Approaches, 2007, The Icfai University Press, p. 230 [ 9 ]. As amended in 1965. [ 10 ]. Adopted by the World Food Summit, Rome, 13 to 17 November 1996. FAO. 1997. Report of the World Food Summit, Part One. Rome [ 11 ]. Adopted by the General Assembly on 10 December 1948. UN doc. A/811. [ 12 ]. General Assembly Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex, of 16 December 1966. [ 13 ]. General Assembly Resolution 44/25, Annex, of 20 November 1989. [ 14 ]. AIR 1989 SC 677. [ 15 ]. 2001. [ 16 ]. (1996) 2 SCC 549.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Grade School Science Fair Project Ideas
Grade School Science Fair Project Ideas Do you need a great idea for a science fair project? This is a collection of grade school science fair project ideas submitted by readers: Lemons Batteries Can you use a lemon, wire, and a a human to test it on to make a battery using their saliva? If so, how does it work? Results -yes, you can make an electric shock. - Jordan Kasulas mold How long does it take different types of food to grow mold? Why? Do the ingredients affect how fast it grows mold? - Jordan Kasulas Can You Prevent Dust? Dust one half of a dusty table with a damp cloth. Dust the other half of the table using a product meant to remove and help prevent dust. Compare the appearance of the table after time. Do both sides of the table get dusty at the same rate? - PlaysWithMatches Which Diaper brand holds the most water? Get different diaper brands like Pampers,Huggies, Pull-Ups, etc. Fill in about 3 cups of water and which ever leaks the least is the diaper that can hold the most water!! x] - Wait Meh Can you change a chicks colors? Yes you can, if you put dye in the egg after Day 18 the chicks come out all sorts of colors. This one has won school and District science fair as well. - Dylan Do Pigs stink? This project has won my school and District Science fairs. I took two pigs. One I let get as dirty as it wanted rolling in mud and gunk. The other one I kept washed and in a very clean pen. After several weeks I rubbed a rag on both and determined, No they dont have sweat glands..So its the poop and pee that stinks. - Dylan creating bubble I use baking soda, water, and salt. Youre supposed to measure them and see which one can bubble more and wait till 5 seconds and shake it then the bubbles come up. - tania do cooked beans grow! Do cooked beans grow? This project is great, so try it and see if you like it. - Guest tresure Does color affect melting? Take like about 3 different colored ice-cubes (color them with food coloring) and put them in 3 cups of water. Put all 3 cups outside in the heat or inside your house and record your data on which one melts fastest or slowest. - Mika gum What kind of gum will blow the biggest bubble after chewing for 2 minutes? - tash599 Rain or tap. Okay get some rain water and tap water and start to grow some plants and see which has a greater effect on the plant. - Only the one beans Get beans and try them in different liquids and see which bean with liquid grows more roots. - y family EGG Place one cup of water with salt and one cup without salt. Put an egg in each one. Which one sinks, which one rises? - fart man 2 fruits!!!! o my Will fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer if they are in or out of the refrigerator? - lily candles Get your mom or dad to buy one white candle and a red candle (you can buy any color) and see which burns faster. - nikki which type of popcorn pops faster? act2 or pop secret? Its a really fun experiment. Try it! - leia209 soggy potatoes You have two potatoes and one goes in a cup of water and the other one goes in a cup of water with salt. You see which one gets soggier. Its very easy and FUN! - shoppa loppa ding dong POP POP POP You take as many different kinds of popcorn as you like, then see which popcorn pops the most!!!:) - awesome me!!:) my paper towel is better then yours You get 5 different brands of paper towels and see how much water it can hold, once it breaks then thats the end of that one. My friend and I did it twice for all the paper towels because we wanted to make sure. Thank you for reading my project. - keely color changing flowers Get a white flower (best if dry). Put it in a vase without water. Pour water and food coloring. Wait a day or two. It will be a different color. - shadow the hedgehog Battery Toy Take one toy that needs batteries and use Energizer batteries first and the second time use something else like Kodak. Time each use of the toy with each brand of batteries. Try to find out which battery works longer. Problem Statement: Which battery makes the toy work longer? - Julianna102.webs.com Candle You could maybe gather a few candles during cold weather, Place one inside, and one somewhere niether cold nor warm, and see which one burns out faster or which one burns the candle completely faster. - Salem Decaying Teeth Put fake teeth into a Coke can, a Pepsi can and a Mountain Dew can. See which one decays the teeth faster. - becky stop the rot Which preservative keeps apples freshest the longest: salt, water, air? Air is the perservative that keeps the apple fresh the longest. - cheermonkey Can oil control the evaporation of water I did this 4-7th grade. It is so easy. All you do is take 4 containers of water and put 10 drops of oil in the first one, 6 in the second one, 4 in the third one and 0 in the fourth one and record how much evaporation occurs in each container over 5 days. - you only wish you knew grass grows well Take one type of grass. Put 5 of those seeds in one pot. Do the same thing to other pot. Put one pot in an extremely bright window. Put the other pot in front of a cold window sill. Check your results every 2 days. Record the results. - farting is awesome sensitivity smell Do people have the same sensitivity to smell? Place people at one end of a room. Have another person open a scent, such as lemon oil or vinegar. Have your test subjects write down what they smell and what time they smelled it. Is the time the same for different scents? Does it matter whether the test subject was male or female? - jamie DOOOGGGG Can you teach an old dog a new trick - result...do it and find out! - I AM KELSEY!!!!! Marigolds of Juice Soda Milk and Water Get a small package of marigold seeds and put them in the same size pots and same amount of soil and same amount of sun. Now enter 1 cup of water in the first marigold pot, label it A.Then put 1 cup of soda in plant B.After that put 1 cup of milk in plant C.Finally put 1 cup of juice in plant D.Record your data of your conclusions...then repeat the project several more times until you find which plant (A,B,C,and D) has grown the largest and healthiest. - Ann grow Grow GROW Which grass seed grows the fastest (Please put this science fair project into your own words. Thanks) - Mary EFFECT ON BALLONS Get sugar and a balloon. Take the balloon and rub it on the wall, then take a plate and put sugar on it. Rub the balloon 10 times on the wall, then lay it on the sugar and see if the sugar is going to stick to the balloon. - TAYLOR DELAHOUSSAYE Water does tap water freeze faster than salt water-yes tap water does cause salt water takes longer to freeze cause it has salt i it. - Karma hoops does the placement of the hoops affect the distance a hoop glider will travel - shadow6452103 simple project which type of object is heavier? Use three different types of object and drop them. See which drops faster - trewimage gum galore buy 3 packs of mint gum have 3 people chew the gum for 5 min then take their temperature to see if the mint changes the temperature of their mouth - #$%!^ * H or C? Soda Carbonation You have to open 2 sodas and put one in the freezer and put one outside and then u c which is fizziest - fluffybunnyishappy SOCKS !!!!!!! After what kind of workout what kinds of socks give blisters. I did this and got 1rst place in the international science fair plus its simple and easy. - jmdofns Does temperature affect freezing levels? Yes, because the ice water would have a lower freezing point than hot water! - Guest stress Which age is stressed out the most? Get a teen and a grownup and interview them both. Then find out which one gets stressed more! - hi :) popcorn This science experiment is fun, edible and easy. You just take several kinds of popcorn and see what popcorn pops the most kernels. - coutney Do cooked beans grow? Do cooked beans grow? No, they dont because they are boiled and the cells are dead. - trevor Seashells A collection and classification of seashells with a report. - ***Sam*** Who listens in class the boys or girls? Well you first see who studies in class. For example if one of girls pays attention in class you put down a point and the same goes for the boys. After you have your data then you can see if the boys or girls pay more attention! - Blanca Quiroz Marin Egg In A Bottle This is fun and very easy. :) You will need a milk bottle,a hard-boiled egg, a piece of paper, and matches. Light a peice of paper with a match and drop the paper in the bottle.put the egg quickly on the top of the bottle. Then plop! The egg falls inside. If you want to get the egg out rinse inside the bottle. Put the bottle upside down and blow into it hard. Move your face after. Have fun!!!! ;) - Someone what type of chocolate melts faster What type of chocolate melts faster? This is simply fun for only 2 reasons: 1 you get to eat the chocolate sauce and 2 because it will get you a a(hons). This is so fun and yum seriously try it youll get the bast results ever... - tayla pop go the kernels! Which brand of popcorn pops and leaves the fewest amount of not popped kernels: popsecret, act 2,or orville redanbacher? - cutie pie fried egg You put an egg on the sidewalk and see if it fries!!! - sarah Magnetic Fields How big is the magnetic field for a refrigerator magnet? - Sahil Mehta Different types of Bridges Find different types of bridges on google then build a popsicle bridge - Kylie My idea Get different brands of napkins and soak them with 20 drips then see which one soaks more and which one didnt. - WOW! yeast try this and see in what temp does yeast work best 1:make bread dough with yeast. 2: put an equal amount of dough in same size bowls. 3: put them in different temp. 4:measure them every 30 min. - sammy THE SWING OF THINGS WHICH KIND OF BAT WILL HIT THE BALL FARTHEST ALUMINUM OR WOOD? - OHIO STATE human behavior How does lack of sleep affect human behavior? - jadeeeee What protects an egg the most? Get different things to make a nest or holder type thing and drop it from a high distance. See what protects it and what doesnt :) - PaTiEnCe_NiCoLe Ants lay out food in front of an athill and see which food ants like more. - 1234 Liquids and plants Water 3 of the same plant with 3 different liquids (you choose the liquids) which one grows better (use water :) - sciencenerd222 ice cubes my friend and i tested which drink (apple juice, water, sprite and gatorade) would melt an ice cube the fastest. My friend and i made it to the regional science fair and we got 2nd. Its pretty simple but remember to keep a log book.! - DOGFREAK :) How To Take Care Of A Egg Help The Egg As If You Were A Mother Or Father. After 3 Weeks You Take The Egg With You Every Where You Go. Start To Ask Test The Reactions Of A Male Holding An Egg Or The Female. Then Make A Chart On How People Act. Then Finally Make A Hypothesis Before This Process To See If Youre Right - Reinaldo I SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM !!! Ok well If your reading this your looking for a science Project well this is a GREAT one to do its Fun and Yummy :) This is what you do 1. u buy 5 different Types of icecream And test what one Melts the fastest You can see if The chocolate Chunks or the cookie dough Change the Affect 2. Write the Test Things Down after a hour or 2 and take pics that helps them now what your atlking about... lol. 3. thats about it ohh ya then you eat it :) This is real fun to do with a Partner !!!! I hope this helped :) - Micaela my idea Can you use pumice as flooring in flooded areas, doghouses? - jordan kasulas glow water take tonic water and a black light and you have a cool glow drink - kitty 8th grade project idea me and my friend are doing our science fair project on if the music you listen to before you go to bed affects your dreams! (: - Sami Gum Flavor I am going to do a gum flavor project! I AM Gonna C Which 1 Has LONG LASTING FLAVOR! - Caitlyn bread molding easy fun a every time first get a bunch of different types of bread wheat, white, rye, whatever put each in plastic bag watch - katie Light things on fire Light different things on fire and see which one takes the most damage. EXAMPLE MATERIALS: Trees, houses, people, plants, animals, food, soda - Ami txt plus drive do three different things in this: txt plus drive,speaker phone drive, and regular phone drive - joshua Which fabric burns the fastest! pick five or whatever different types of fabrics and burn them to see wich one burns faster by recording the type of each fabric and be careful have a parent when you do this with you! - mari plants get four plants put one in total darkness one in alot of sunshine and one with alot of water and one with no water - itz hayley water time!!! me and my friend had to do a clock using water it was very simple all you need is a friend water and paper cups - bubbles Fish Food Put dead shrimp into a container and alive shrimp in the other and see which shrimp the fish luvs better - Grace What is heavier water or blood? First put some water in a cup and some blood in a cup,then pour the blood in the cup with the water and see if the blood will sink or float. If the blood sinks that means that water is heaver than blood and if the blood floats that means that blood is heaver than water. - Ryian Special Gum Get any kind of gum get at least 2-4 packs of gum and let as much people as you want and take their temperature before they eat the gum wait for a minute then take their temperature and see if its HOT COLD OR NORMAL - Patrice1113 cuckoo Do cuckoo clocks sound different if they are the different sizes? - Jasmine 6th grade project idea i did a project on the skeletal system and why do animals need bones ? but if you like animals like me and your an animal freak you should try it and i actually got 1st place in this project ! - Brianna . T Freeze It! Take four Philadelphia Cream Cheese containers (and make sure theyre empty) and fill them up each with orange juice, apple cider, water, and olive oil. See which one freezes fastest. Check every fifteen minutes and change the temperature once you found out how fast it took for them to freeze. - Sailormoonfan Plop, Plop, Fizz Fast See what temperature an Alka - Seltzer fizzes longest. Go to science buddies for more info. - no name Mentos First make chalk lines on a wall to measure how high the soda goes and put the same type of mentos in both one soda diet coke and the other reg. coke which goes higher? - Science fair got an A boats does the kind of paper a boat is made from affect its length of floating - me What structure will hold a tower better? It can be straws, toothpicks or even wood rods. And the tower can be made of clay or paper or even cardboard too. - Nayeli Does your smell affect your taste? Have someone plug there nose and eat something. Can they taste it? - The Beast May the strongest win! see which elmers glue is the strongest. i won 3rd place last year doing this one. - Kaitlynn Wilson Bubbles! The effect of temperature on how long soap bubbles last. - Mackenz Water with stain Tee shirts, marker, water: See if cool water or warm water stains best. - Shakivikiou Laundry Detergent Is laundry detergent as effective if you use less than the recommended amount? More? - Nicole Makeup Qualities Take a nice brand of makeup (it can be mascara, eye shadow or blush) then get the same kind of makeup at a drugstore (basically any store that sells makeup!) and try out both of the makeups on your mom, your guardian, sister(s), or your self! and then see which make up is a better quality!! [this science project is a good excuse to get new makeup: )] - ~No Name Listed~ sinking and floating use sodas and diet sodas and see which one floats or sinks trust me it is awsome i am a 6 grader trust me ppl out their looking for project ideas that are middle schoolers peace out my science buddies bye bye xoxoxo - vere Lemon or Lime You can see whether a lemon or lime can turn on a light. You can Attach some wires (thin wires) and cut the lemon or lime together to see whether the lime or lemon turns on the light - flowers Get Science Fair Project Help
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