Monday, December 23, 2019
The Role Of Parents Sport Socialization Of Youth - 1310 Words
Research Paper: The Role of Parents in Sport Socialization of Youth Lucas Eckert PSE4UO Introduction Socialization is the process in which an individual becomes a member of society. Parents are the most significant agent in the socialization of their children. They have a tremendous influence on the type of people their children grow up to be. They pass on their beliefs and values to their children and influence their child’s personality and morals. In sports, there is also a process of socialization, in which the individual becomes a part of the athletic community. In this process, parents also posses significant influence over their children (Quinton, 2012). They decide whether or not their children play sports, which sports their children may play, and they can greatly affect their child’s enjoyment and performance in the sport. This influence can either lead to positive or negative effects on the children’s experience with sport. This depends on the level of involvement and the nature of that involvement (Shwarzlose, 2013). The purpose of this p aper is to discuss the ways by which parents influence their child’s process of socialization in sport, and identify the positive and negative effects associated with the different methods. This paper will also provide several case studies of professional athletes and evaluate the parents involvement in the athletes career. Pressure to Participate The most basic form of influence the parent possesses over theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Youth Sports838 Words  | 4 PagesSports, the everyday activity for youth in this generation was said to be emerged in as we rolled into the 20th century. Sport, an entertainment source for all is getting more recognized through organized youth sports. Moreover, over the time sport has become an everyday life routine for many families all over the world. 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