Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Indi The Fastest Growing Segment Of The Ites - 1643 Words
Industry Profile: In India, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the fastest growing segment of the ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) industry. Factors such as economy of scale, business risk mitigation, cost advantage; utilization improvement and superior competency have all lead to the growth of the Indian BPO industry. Business process outsourcing in India, which started around the mid-90s, has now grown by leaps and bounds. India is now the world s favored market for BPO companies, among other competitors, such as, Australia, China, Philippines and Ireland. The BPO boom in India is credited to cheap labor costs and India s huge talent pool of skilled, English-speaking professionals. Research by the National Association of Software Services and Companies (NASSCOM) has revealed that quality orientation among leading BPO companies, 24/7 services, India s unique geographic location and the investor friendly tax structure in India have all made the BPO industry in India very popular. The industry has been growing rapidly. The BPO sector in India is estimated to have reached a 54 per cent growth in revenue and The demand for Indian BPO services has been growing at an annual growth rate of 50%. The BPO industry in India has provided jobs for over 74,400 Indians. This number is continuing to grow on a yearly basis. The Indian BPO sector is soon to employ over 1.1 million Indians. 70% of India s BPO industry s revenue is from contact centers, 20% from data
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Role Of Parents Sport Socialization Of Youth - 1310 Words
Research Paper: The Role of Parents in Sport Socialization of Youth Lucas Eckert PSE4UO Introduction Socialization is the process in which an individual becomes a member of society. Parents are the most significant agent in the socialization of their children. They have a tremendous influence on the type of people their children grow up to be. They pass on their beliefs and values to their children and influence their child’s personality and morals. In sports, there is also a process of socialization, in which the individual becomes a part of the athletic community. In this process, parents also posses significant influence over their children (Quinton, 2012). They decide whether or not their children play sports, which sports their children may play, and they can greatly affect their child’s enjoyment and performance in the sport. This influence can either lead to positive or negative effects on the children’s experience with sport. This depends on the level of involvement and the nature of that involvement (Shwarzlose, 2013). The purpose of this p aper is to discuss the ways by which parents influence their child’s process of socialization in sport, and identify the positive and negative effects associated with the different methods. This paper will also provide several case studies of professional athletes and evaluate the parents involvement in the athletes career. Pressure to Participate The most basic form of influence the parent possesses over theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Youth Sports838 Words  | 4 PagesSports, the everyday activity for youth in this generation was said to be emerged in as we rolled into the 20th century. Sport, an entertainment source for all is getting more recognized through organized youth sports. Moreover, over the time sport has become an everyday life routine for many families all over the world. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Change For Jane Free Essays
Her name was Jane Hulsebosch. She was my math teacher for fifth and sixth grade. Jane was a tall large woman with black tight curly hair. We will write a custom essay sample on A Change For Jane or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her eyes were brown and beady, like a ferret. She was approximately five feet and eleven inches tall, but to me she seemed much taller. Jane did not stand, she loomed. If she looked over my shoulder while I took one of her labyrinthine exams, it felt like the sword of Damocles swinging over my head. Jane was an extremely heavy woman who was plagued with varicose veins. When I was young, however, it looked like she had beanbags stored under her skin. Jane was a heavy smoker. I could not help but notice the stale smell of smoke on her fingertips as I gingerly approached her desk with a paper to grade. Jane to me was the educational equivalent of terrorism. I was not stupid enough to actually volunteer an answer to her questions. I attempted, like my other poor unfortunate classmates to crawl into a crevice in the floor by keeping my eyes downcast. Silly me. Like a panther circling its prey Jane walked around our classroom. Employing the Socratic Method, she barked questions at me. And I, paralyzed in fear, failed yet again to answer correctly. The woman was an insidious masochist. I know she delighted in terrorizing us. She threw erasers and chalk at us with the precision of a stealth bomber while wailing â€Å"DOPEY!†My morning prayer was that Mrs. Jane Hulsebosch die a long painful death. In my head I painted glorious medieval deaths. My personal favorite fantasy was one where she is disemboweled. My classmates, however, preferred the â€Å"drawn and quartered†method. God it seemed, never answered our prayers. Then one cold damp winter morning it seemed that God did answer me, well sort of. Jane entered the classroom but her gait was unsteady. She smelled like something I had never identified until I was in college. She smelled like a brewery. Her face was swollen, like someone who just got pummeled in the face during a game of dodge ball, but worse. Was that a black and blue that I saw? I did not know, and did not care to draw her attention to the fact that I was staring at her. Quickly, I looked at my textbook and pretended I was reading. A haunted silence filled my classroom. All of us just sat holding our breath. My stomach felt like there was a lead balloon in it. (Indeed, as I write this paper, the feeling sets in.) What did we do? Did we do something so terrible that we rendered her speechless? Did Sean get caught cheating again? After what seemed like hours, two police officers entered our classroom along with the principal. What was happening? Were we being arrested for being bad students like she promised? Was the threat of our behavior going on our â€Å"permanent record†happening now? No. Jane was being led out of our classroom. Suddenly, as she passed my desk I was compelled to look up at her and a tear hit my shoe. Outside, someone was wailing. It was Jane, but it was not the same yelling that she did in class. What was happening? Our principal entered the classroom and told us that he would be teaching us for awhile and that we should all pray for our teacher. Well, we did†¦but not for her return. That night I remember my parents whispering in hushed horrified tones and then calling me into their bedroom to â€Å"discuss something†. I was asked an interminable amount of questions about Jane, the throwing, the yelling and that smell. Jane, they told me was in the hospital. Her husband had been beating her and she had a drinking problem. How to cite A Change For Jane, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Profitability Position Outdoor Adventures-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Analyze and examine the profitability position of the company Outdoor Adventures for the month of March 2018. Answer: Introduction This report undertakes the profitability analysis of Outdoor Adventures for evaluating its performance for the month of March 2018. It also provides suggestions to the company to improve its profitability efficiency on the basis of the performance evaluation. Profitability Evaluation The profitability of the company is attributed to the amount of profits attained by it after meeting the cost of sales and expenses from the total income. The amount of profits realized by the company for the period of March 2018 is $39,935.00. It can be analyzed on the basis of profit and loss statement of the company that its net profits attained is expected to increase in the future period of time. The total income realized by the company for the respective period of time is $72,765.00 with total cost of sales to be $23,680.00 and thus the gross profit attained by the company after meeting the cost of sales is $49,085.00. The net profit of the company is attained by meeting up all the operating expenses of $3,500.00 that includes the expenditure incurred in advertisements, rent, wages from the gross profit. The company has realized good net profit after meeting all its expenses relating to cost of sales and operating expenditure (Drake and Fabozzi, 2012). The statements of the pro fit and loss account developed for the respective period can be demonstrated as follows: Profit and Loss for Outdoor Adventures for the Period Ending 31 March, 2018 Profit Loss 11568869- Outdoor Adventures For the month ended 31 March 2018 Mar-18 Feb-18 Jan-18 Dec-17 YTD Income Sales - Accessories $54,582.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54,582.00 Sales - Clothing $18,183.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,183.00 Total Income $72,765.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $72,765.00 Less Cost of Sales Cost of Sales - Accessories $12,660.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,660.00 Cost of Sales - Clothing $11,020.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,020.00 Total Cost of Sales $23,680.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,680.00 Gross Profit $49,085.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $49,085.00 Less Operating Expenses Advertising $3,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 Rent $1,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,750.00 Wages and Salaries $3,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,900.00 Total Operating Expenses $9,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,150.00 Net Profit $39,935.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,935.00 Profitability Ratio Analysis The profitability ratios analyzes the ability of a company to realize profits through the use of the assets. The profitability position of the company can be evaluated through the calculation of the profitability ratios of gross profit and net profit. Gross Profit Ratio The ratio depicts the revenue realized by the company after meeting the cost of sales from the sales income (Bull, 2007). It depicts the profits realized by the company after meeting the production expenses and can be calculated through the use of following formula: Gross Profit Ratio=Gross Profit/Net Sales Gross Profit Ratio=$49,085.00/$72,765.00 Gross Profit Ratio=0.68 Thus, it can be stated after calculating the gross profit ration fro the respective period that the company is in good financial position as it has higher percentage of gross profit and its cost of sales is maintained at a lower level. Net Profit Ratio The ratio determines the ability of a company to remain profitable after meeting all the operating expenses related to administration and wages (Bull, 2007). The formula used for calculating the net profit ratio is as follows: Net Profit Ratio=Net Income/Total Sales Net Profit Ratio=$39,935.00/$72,765.00 Net Profit Ratio=0.54% The company has maintained a good net profit percentage for the respective period after meeting all its operating expenses successfully. Recommendations The company can improve its profitability position through reducing its production cost incurred in purchase of materials and direct labor. The company is recommended to maintain a long-term relation with suppliers and labor for decreeing the production cost (Wild, 2006) It should also keep a check on its inventory level on a continuous basis to minimize the inventory holding cost and improving the profitability position It is also recommended to improve its operational efficiency through reducing the expenditure related to advertisement and rent It should also emphasizes on improving its sales position through the use of free add-on-sales (Bragg, 2012) Conclusion It can be stated from the profitability analysis of the company that it is currently in a good state of financial position as it is able to realize good profits after meeting all its production and operational expenditures. Reference Bragg, S. 2012. Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide. John Wiley Sons. Bull, R. 2007. Financial Ratios: How to use financial ratios to maximise value and success for your business'. Elsevier. Drake, P. P. and Fabozzi, F. J. 2012. Analysis of Financial Statements. John Wiley Sons. Wild. 2006. Financial Statement Analysis 9E. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
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